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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/sports/golf/tiger-running-pretty-much-destroyed-my-body-and-my-knees/ar-BB13w1Gh?ocid=spartandhp "Running over 30 miles a week for probably my first five, six years on Tour pretty much destroyed my body and my knees," he said. I can relate.
  2. The Kavanaugh hearing was the biggest political story of 2018, with media outlets scouring his yearbook, hounding former classmates and printing claims from women other than Blasey Ford in an effort to establish a pattern of misbehavior. Several of the additional claims crumbled under scrutiny, including an allegation of gang rape made by Julie Swetnick, who was represented by Michael Avenatti. That allegation resulted in a criminal referral for conspiracy to lie to Congress. Avenatti you remember him, doing time now
  3. In 2018, Biden said that if a woman comes forward "in the glaring lights of focus," you've got to "start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she is talking about is real." Brzezinksi also singled out Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as Democratic women who said Blasey Ford must be believed but are now defending Biden against Reade's allegations. "Are women to be believed unless it pertains to you?" Brzezinksi asked Biden.
  4. Privately, some Democrats are now lamenting the standard they set in 2018, saying it has backfired now that Biden has been accused. "We set up a standard we can't live by. No one likes to discuss it but it's the reality," said one Democratic strategist who requested anonymity to talk candidly. "It looks terrible for him and for the party. You can't say you believe women and then take it all back because it doesn't apply to you."
  5. And there you have it, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/newspolitics/democrats-accused-of-double-standard-on-biden-kavanaugh/ar-BB13vw08?ocid=spartandhp There is a clear double standard between how the media and Democrats treated Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations versus Tara Reade's allegations," said Mike Davis, who led the Senate effort to confirm Kavanaugh. "It was stunning to see Democrats say they believed Joe Biden even before he'd spoken a word about this," he added. "And the media instantly and breathlessly reported on all of the allegations against Justice Kavanaugh, which resulted in three criminal referrals against accusers for conspiracy to lie to Congress."
  6. Confirmed in the AP today too, so who is being obtuse here? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/newspolitics/reade-i-didnt-use-sexual-harassment-in-biden-complaint/ar-BB13wFmm?ocid=spartandhp The AP declined to publish details of the 2019 interviews at the time because reporters were unable to corroborate her allegations, and aspects of her story contradicted other reporting. In recent weeks, Reade told the AP and other news organizations that Biden sexually assaulted her, pushing her against a wall in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building in 1993, groping her and penetrating her with his fingers. She says she was fired from Biden’s office after filing a complaint with the Senate alleging harassment.
  7. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is battling a serious allegation of sexual assault, one his accuser says she brought to the campaigns of Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Kamala Harris, D-Calif., before they left the 2020 race. According to Tara Reade, while she worked as a staff assistant for Biden in 1993, the senator “began kissing her without her permission, pushed her against a wall, reached under her skirt, and penetrated her with his fingers,” as Robby Soave wrote in Reason. According to journalist Katie Halper, who recently interviewed Reade, the woman’s brother and close friend “both recall Tara telling them about the incident at the time.” Compare that with Christine Blasey Ford’s reputation-destroying allegation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which has been denied by all alleged witnesses. Care to try again?
  8. It's the principle of the thing, he by passed the democratic process, that is a no no.
  9. Tha tha tha that's all folks, or at least it should be, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200430113003.htm Just a bunch of hot air.
  10. Sticks and stones, why am I not surprised, you haven't given one reason why I shouldn't hold Biden to the same standard he set out for Kavenaugh. No point in discussing this any further.
  11. Nobody wants to hear what my personal opinions are, we are here to discuss what is going on in US politics and not what is inside my head.
  12. Trump is a piece of **** and will get what is coming to him when he is out of office. I have said from day one that he is a wise guy con man from New Jersey, all you have to do is look at his past record of failed businesses and criminal behavior. I just want to see all politicians held to the same standard which somehow makes me a troll and Trump lover.
  13. And they would be, except people are smart enough to file off the serial numbers making the weapon untraceable. They have looked at this problem from all angles and have come to the only rational conclusion.
  14. I have never claimed Trump, Kavenaugh or any of the other predators were innocent of any of the allegations made against them. I am advocating for the same standard for all accused and victims, nothing more, nothing less. Biden set out the standard in the Kavenaugh case, yet he refuses to hold himself to that same standard. The man is a hypocrite and will only use that standard when it is to his own political advantage. That says a lot about the character of the person imo.
  15. Attack the post, not the poster, none of you can in this case, you have been exposed for the hypocrites that you are and have proven you are just the same as those you claim are beneath you.
  16. The conservatives are wrong on this. People are buying the weapons legally and then turning around and reselling them to the criminals. A ban on certain weapons is the only way to shut that side of it down, I agree with the Liberals on this one.
  17. Nobody is defending Trump, people are defending Biden and dismissing the victim which is the hypocrisy they would like you to overlook. However since it suites their political end game, it's okay.
  18. Simply disgraceful behavior being shown around here today. It's not about Trump or the other sexual predators out there, it's about the lack of compassion being shown towards the victim and how quickly you all are to dismiss her. Double standard hypocrites the lot of you, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
  19. The recent problem isn't even smuggled weapons, it's greedy people. https://www.cbc.ca/news/national-gun-trafficking-straw-buying-smuggling-firearms-1.5126228
  20. Disgusting the way you flip flop on the issue when the shoe is on the other foot.
  21. You would like that wouldn't you, muzzle anyone who dares question your moral superiority, thanks for showing your true colors.
  22. Interesting that the last two months have seem the greatest drop in global average temperature anomaly since satellite records began tracking it.
  23. There are always two systems of justice in the Democrats playbook, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/newspolitics/what-joe-biden-didnt-say-in-his-tara-reade-denial/ar-BB13u5tD?ocid=spartanntp
  24. I didn't even realize that they still did this, what the heck for? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/commercial-whaling-may-be-over-in-iceland/ar-BB13uatE?ocid=spartanntp
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