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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Good article, https://www.visualcapitalist.com/11-cognitive-biases-influence-politics/
  2. 'Pathetic clown': Chinese state-backed media attacks Canada after Meng Wanzhou verdict https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/pathetic-clown-chinese-state-backed-media-attacks-canada-after-meng-wanzhou-verdict/ar-BB14IidZ?ocid=spartandhp I thought they were referring to JT when I saw the headline.
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/companies-managing-troubled-ontario-long-term-care-homes-run-dozens-more-make-millions-in-profits/ar-BB14GsyR?ocid=spartandhp Here's the real problem.
  4. It's the Swedish approach and it makes the most sense whether you agree with it or not, soon they will have herd immunity and everyone will be safe.
  5. Michael Moore is on board, there is no place for censorship in a Democratic society, https://deadline.com/2020/05/planet-of-the-humans-pulled-youtube-michael-moore-jeff-gibbs-censorship-1202942938/
  6. Wow just sad, welcome to the age of censorship, https://deadline.com/2020/05/planet-of-the-humans-pulled-youtube-michael-moore-jeff-gibbs-censorship-1202942938/
  7. That's more than they were getting before Trump, you'd have to go back 3 presidents to see those kind of numbers, no wonder the typical worker was fed up. No tax cut, no stimulus, no market boom, you can't have one without the other. Investors wanted return and they got them. The health care industry is driving the economy down there, 3 million new jobs. Universal Health Care is not sustainable as we are going to find out here very soon. Besides, wouldn't it make more sense for the rich to go get there own private care, they can afford it after all and wouldn't that free up more resources for the lower income family's who really need it? **** the rich, make them pay for their own health care. Don't even try to turn this into a negative.
  8. The left starting to eat their own, https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/joe-biden-takes-idiotic-questions-about-masks-looking-weak-and-never-apologizing-from-cnns-dana-bash/ in all honesty though, Dana Bash should be ashamed of herself for this quality of work.
  9. Yes he did, no one disputes that, but he also benefited from the 2008 recovery, there was no place to go but up, and even after 8 years he couldn't get unemployment down to where Trump did, over a full percent half a million jobs or so Now let's look at Trumps, and not the obvious numbers, some things you never hear about but are key to it's success: 1. Higher wages, yes if you can believe it, higher wages for the typical American worker, growing at over 3%/year since Trump took office. Shouldn't happen under a Republican President should it? 2. Manufacturing jobs are back thanks to the tax cuts, part of his strategy in tackling the trade deficit 3. Fewer Americans on food stamps, hard to believe that all they needed was a job, crazy how that works, get a job and get off food stamps 4. And the markets, what can you say they speak for themselves (current lockdown aside). Anyone who tries to discredit his job on the economy can't be taken seriously.
  10. Roosevelt was a product of the times. The only job Clinton created was from Monica. He inherited a hot economy and the dot.com bubble.
  11. Only because I had to correct an error. Now I'm done with it, too offensive to some.
  12. Most had pre-existing conditions which puts them in the group that needs to be protected the most, the sick and the old. Last year in the USA 179 healthy babies died from the flu according to the CDC https://www.verywellhealth.com/deaths-from-flu-2633829 It's sad but it happens.
  13. There is your exact quote, plenty doesn't = an insignificant statistic that can't be measured beyond the margin of error, unless we are discussing climate science.
  14. You know those numbers are misleading, Roosevelt was the only one I believe who actually ran on the New Deal.
  15. It was building under Obama, the hate and feeling of being left behind, jobs being taken from them by immigrants yada yada, Trump just rode the wave, it was perfect timing, probably won't be replicated ever again, until the next black democratic president.
  16. People have jobs under Trump that didn't under Obama, at the end of the day feeding your family is what matters to the average voter. You can lecture all you like about trickle down economics and whether or not it works but it's not about that and if you can't see that then you are looking in the wrong places. Ask the older Democrats who they voted for last election, it was Trump because they wanted some returns on their 401K's before they retired and it worked out very well for them. The democrats never run on jobs because they can't deliver.
  17. This is the last I am going to say, go to the last graph and you will see that the number of deaths for the youngest age group is statically insignificant. That means it doesn't even register because the margin of error is greater than the actual statistic. Apologizes if I offended anyone but some point are politicians are going to have to have this discussion if they haven't already.
  18. He maybe empowered the ugly side but it has always been there festering under the surface. America isn't what many people think it is. A good American Liberal thinks they are doing their part by the number of illegal servants they have working for them. The media hasn't helped either, you can only cry wolf so many times before they tune you out.
  19. Everyone knew he would be corrupt but hoped the good he did for the economy would outweigh the bad. Depending on which side of the fence you are on determines if the good outweighs the bad.
  20. And it took me even less time to confirm it, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/
  21. Complete rubbish but don't let that get in the way of the facts. The data is in and the doctors know that the old and sick are the only ones who need protecting so quit trying to make it about something it is not. And your first sentence above is a complete lie.
  22. Yup Pompeo is your typical career political slime, https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/27/mike-pompeos-cia-advisory-board-rankled-agency-veterans-283350
  23. The old and sick are the only ones who need protecting from the flu, that is right from a Harvard doctor who knows more about this than you or I, so you quit pretending you more than a Harvard doctor. Protect the old and the sick and let the rest of us get on with it. That is not being uncaring, that is being practical.
  24. Yes we know that but it will kill more because we have no vaccine. If we had no vaccine for the flu either they would kill just as many. Again, are you going to stop the world every time we have a flu with no vaccine?
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