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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. Loved the comments by Burke, team racks up over 161 yards in penalties, sends to kickoffs out of bounds, receivers drop 3 or 4 catchable balls, oline plays probably their worst game of the year yet the QB gets all the blame. He deserves some but when the rest of the team plays like schat around him, pretty much screwed.


    Keep up the good work Mr Perfect, really enjoyed reading your common sense opinions.

  2. Case in point......not even Calvillo and that personnel can turn chicken **** into chicken salad.....the Bombers will not do it with what they have with Crowton at the controls. You can't stretch the field with a pocket passer short on mobility, end of story.

  3. Johnson just looks slower because everyone else around him has gotten faster. This defense is just loaded with speed.


    The one thing to watch for is when they start over pursuing, happens all the time with really fast defences, let's hope that the opposition doesn't catch on for awhile though.

  4. It's possible that the downfield coverage was real tight too, which gave the Bomber dline time to get to Calvillo. The truth is probably somewhere in between.


    The difference so far this season though is that the defence hasn't been getting beat for the big play. They have been able to keep everything in front of them and limit the damage, which is good to see.

  5. If there is any truth to that with our offence, cover and return teams we should be very scared.


    Don't confuse execution and effort.


    I agree the execution isn't up to snuff but without Edwards and Matthews at 100% in that offence they're pretty short on talent. But overcoming all the turnovers was just a matter of continuing to work hard, had that been last year, they would have folded the tent and lost by 30 points.


    We should be scared if we have to go the season without TE and CM at their best, that I agree with you.

  6. Is he better than Pierce or Anderson.......at this stage he probably is until we see more of those guys, TE is in his twilight, especially the injuries seem to be catching up with him, wouldn't be surprised to see him not finish the season. We need to find his replacement sooner rather than later and I would have no qualms about Carr taking his place right now even. Don't know that I could say that about the other two we have.

  7. QB and receiver need to recognize where the blitz is coming from and go to the vacated area, it's as much the receivers responsibility as it is the QB's to react to it. It's only game one, this is an area they have to improve in going forward as teams will continue to outman them at the line until they show that they can make you pay for it.


    One thing I didn't like about the Bomber offense though was the lack of play action and pump and goes, they never seemed to be setting the Als defence up for anything.

  8. That video never told us anything about the offense other than it is great. I coached a DW offense & a true DW couldn't work in the pros. In a true DW there are no splits on the LOS, the fullback lines up right behind the qb, Literally 5 to 8 cms away from his ass & he's called the "sniffer".for obvious reasons. The backs are lined up as wings outside of 2 tight ends & there is one wide receiver. QB pivots left or right. Blocking schemes include the QB Wedge & Sniffer Wedge where the entire OL from  right & left block towards the nose guard. QB either keeps the ball or hands off & because the formation is so tight, the wings stay slightly behind the play to block any leakage... that is players coming in from behind the wedge to make the tackle. There are traps & counter treys. The premise is the qb spins but the defenders can't see the back because he's so tight to the LOS that he literslly disappears (& he does) only to pop out suddenly from a mass of humanity. OL can tee off on the run game because they have no splits. Also from the center out on both sides of the LOS the guard, tackle & TE line up on each others heel so the guard is slightly off the LOs from the center, as is the tackle a little off of the guard & the tight end the same. So imagine an arrow if you were looking from above. This is a run 95% of the time offense with only one receiver split out wide. Clearly, this offese would not work in the pros even with a hurry up. I used this offense in bantam football & we averaged 300 yards a game rushing.... It is virtually unstoppable. The kids loved the wedge. Our OL just wanted to kill the DL & LB's. It was intimidating, nasty & mean.  Imagine the poor NG with seven guys coming at him off the LOS. It worked best against a 3 man front & was not as effective vs a 4 man front. Teams could stop it using a 5 man front & that is what they started to do....  .


    lol, I couldn't understand a word of it but hoped that Montreals was as smooth as that vid.

  9. well the bombers with Parker at lb, washington in Hefneys spot and Muamba in Logans spot are closer to that team from last year than anything you saw in preseason....Or are you still pretending that preseason was the actual team playing? That's the thing about preseason, we don't know what the team will look like cause the starters got almost no time. You choose to assume cause guys who wound up being cut got their asses kicked that the starters will suck too, last year with the actual starters begs to differ, we'll just see how rusty they are to start the season.


    I assume nothing, I'll wait to see what the starters can and can't do before I declare them to be as good or better than the guys they are replacing. We're talking about guys who were only a year removed from being all CFL at their respective positions, so I'm actually pretty pumped to see how good the new guys must be.

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