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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. Being cheap is why they're in this position in the first place & have been for years.


    Absolutely, which is why they get no sympathy from me. All the problems are their own doing from trying to shave a nickel here or there and it just ends up costing them in the long run. This whole situation could have been avoided last off season by simply hiring an assistant for Crowten to begin with.

  2. I can see the following happening during August:


    1. JJ is cut before Labour Day due to poor play and to save money on the SMS.

    2. Swiston replace Morley on the offensive line.

    3. If healthy, Douglas replaces Boatman on the offensive line leading to #4.

    4. Shannon Boatman cut.

    5. Receiver (likely Dennmark) is let go.


    Money is the only thing driving this organization, if they can justify saving salary you can bet veterans will be released before their salaries become guaranteed.

  3. Holy Negatron... you dug deep and found something to ***** about with this news. 


    I really wouldn't care if we have to pay Buck MORE to be a 3rd stringer/QB coach.  This is a landmark day for the Bombers... the day we unhitched our wagon from Buck, and looked to trying to find a starting QB that can help us be successful.  Heck, I wouldn't care if we paid him like he started.  Addition by subtraction...


    C'mon man, the move itself is way overdue I agree with that but everyone has also been screaming about the need for a QB coach/assistant OC of some sort too, and this is their solution, instead of just hiring one to begin with....

  4. Doesn't matter if I do....or if I don't.....you'll give no credit anyways...I guess it's all in the eye..of the beholder.


    What's clear is that Wpg, Ham, Edm & Mon are the bottom feeders of the league right now. I guess it wouldn't hurt to give some credit for playing well against those teams but I'd much rather base it on how they do against the measuring stick teams like, Cal, TO, BC & Ssk.

  5. There's more to it than that. Your explanation is way too simplistic. Developing qbs  mean having a coach to coach them. We have no qb coach & haven't for years. We don't do enough as an organization to develop qbs. To me, the Bombers aren't 100% totally committed to doing that & haven't been for years. This team develops running backs but not qbs.


    It amazes me how many people think this way too. That if you just keep playing the backup he is somehow going to evolve into this great starter all on his own.

  6. I really don't understand why the Bombers continue to butt heads with the media in this town. They know that refusing their requests is only going to throw gas on the fire. Who is in charge of media relations for the club......that's the person who should fired.


    As for Mack, he's basically out of the coat tails he has been riding on since he took over the team and now his handy work is starting to show, the media are going to come down real hard on him very shortly. A loss in BC will basically light the fuse.

  7. This D went down hill when Dunn and Parker went out against Hamilton in the 3rd quarter.


    Nah, they just looked better against crappy teams. The Argos and the Stamps just have very good offences and especially their olines, their QBs had all day to pick us apart. The interior of our defence is too small, has been since we lost Brown and let our other tackle go. Against good teams, they will get destroyed without a major overhaul. Burke just went too far with the whole smaller faster thing.

  8. Yes. if I was a Director, I'd be terrified. How does this team service the debt & make money with 25,000 or less in the stands which is what is going to happen. The BOD got the team into this mess by making bad decisions. The rot starts at the very top.


    Maybe not a bad thing though.


    The BOD is concerned with one thing only, the bottom line. When that is threatened they will react, how remains to be seen. I see two choices and it's probably cheaper for them to demand some sort of player movement that brings a marquee player to the team to restore public confidence as opposed to just blowing it up. But doing nothing while Rome burns is not an option.

  9. There is absolutely no reason for you to be calling people idiots! 


    Yeah, I think some of the boys were drinking heavy last night....


    Anyways, here it is so that even an 'idiot' like me can understand.


    Calgary averages 32.4 points per game

    Winnipeg averages 23 points per game


    Final score 37 - 24


    Simple mathematics tells you that for the Bombers to have had a chance to win, their offence, not their defence, was going to need to score at least 33 points to have a chance. The defence gave up slightly more than a field goal more then what the Stamps have been averaging per game offence, while the offence came up 9 points shy of what they needed to do.


    Defence (-4)

    Offence (-9)


    As bad as the defence looked, it was the offence who played a bigger role in the loss based on simple probabilities.

  10. Three things...  I admit that I was and am still trying to be excited about Burke as our coach... but...



    - Our pre-season defence is actually pretty similar to our regular season D... I thought pre-season was just a big experiment but I was wrong.  Did we blitz Muamba or Wild at all...  I'm trying to remember...


    - Did anyone else notice that the record that RIcky Ray broke last week was also against a Burke defence in 2008?  I wonder if Burke's record may be inflated because the east's offences were so horrible in 2009 and 2010


    - Burke's entire defence is based around small and fast DBs... then he says to the media that if you're too small to tackle then you'll lose your job?  Good OLs destroy small DBs...  that's why most of the rest of the league is trending towards larger guys...  we need to blitz.


    I want to keep Burke but I think we need to airlift in some experienced asst coaches...  This season is getting confusing.


    Burke's defence has gotten too small placing the emphasis on speed instead. I felt sorry for our dline and linebackers getting absolutely pancaked by the oline of the Stamps.


    I recall one blitz in the 3rd quarter I believe but the Stamps picked it up.

  11. so stop the run game! the amount of tackles they missed on Cornish alone would have gone a long way to actually getting the offense back onto the field. You're either being deliberately argumentative here or you're an idiot, which is it?


    No, you're just changing the focus now. If both teams run up and down the field all night long on each other, odds are the game comes down to whoever has the ball last. Either you don't watch a lot of CFL or this point escapes you?


    The problems with our defence are another matter entirely and have nothing to do with what our offence does when they get the ball. It's not hard to grasp.

  12. but they DID string together some drives that could have ended in points! Yeah they weren't touchdown drives, but they moved the ball when they had it. You can't win with a defense that gives up massive time consuming drives like that every time they get onto the field, likewise you can't expect an offense to score touchdowns every time they get the ball either. The score in this game was closer than it should have been based on how the defense played and anyone who is focussing on the offense not doing it's job really doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. The offense scored some points and moved the ball despite the defense turning in a Daley-like performance. It's one thing to let RIcky Ray pick you aparty, but this was a 23 year old qb making his first ever start!


    Bend but don't break, and for the most part the defense was only giving up field goals, until they all but gave up when brain fart didn't take the points. You can't stop a short passing game when they have the run game going too. Your only hope is to match them, which the Bomber offense could have done if they had stuck to the same offensive plan as the Stamps, this is what Doug Brown was talking about, and I agree with him. Swap Dickinson for Crowton and their is no doubt in my mind that the Bombers win this game by a TD.

  13. but the point is that this game was more circumstantial than the problems in the last 2 games which were largely a yeah they sucked situation. Not taking the field goal try and then running out of time in the quarter cause you're still on your drive is not the same as going 2 and out every time you get the ball in the 3rd. The problems last night weren't that the offense couldn't get anything going, it was the the defense couldn't get a stop and put the offense back on the field. 


    That's the CFL though, the team that controls the ball and keeps the other teams offense on the bench usually wins. Your offense has to be as good as your opponent because offenses have the advantage over defenses on the large field. The defense was schat but this was still only a 10 point game (7 even if brain fart had taken the field goal) late in the 3rd quarter. The Bombers needed to string together two long drives themselves in the 3rd and 4th quarter, ending points, the game was theirs for the taking.

  14. that's a little bit unfair last game. The stamps started off the 3rd quarter with a long scoring drive... then the bombers actually moved into field goal range but opted to go for a 3rd and 2 gamble rather than kick the field goal. Then the stamps went on another long scoring drive eating up a ton of time. Unless I'm forgetting something the Bombers next drive in the 3rd quarter had them again in field goal range when the 3rd quarter ended. DId they actually have more than those 2 drives in the 3rd quarter? Both of them made it into scoring territory so it's not nearly as bad last night as that "3 games without a 3rd quarter point" might indicate. If the offense had got more chances with the ball in the 3rd quarter I doubt we're even having this discussion, but the TOP was just so lopsided at that point because the defense couldn't stop anything even with the offense able to move the ball a bit. 


    One game, no biggie, two games, hmm, three games, wtf.

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