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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. I agree, I asked during the game what Burkes infatuation with Anderson is cause I just don't see it. He's like Denmark but without as good hands.... Yet Denmark is in the doghouse for whatever reason and Anderson plays without fail despite not ever really doing a lot to really earn his place. 


    Just take a look at Tim Burke, small man syndrome, this guy will never be a HC.

  2. Can anybody explain why Boatman keeps starting? He has been brutal. Can we not find another import tackle?


    Below average tackle even if he was a NI. It's like the dutch boy and the dike, stick a finger in one hole and another leak opens somewhere else, that's just because other teams actually scout our weaknesses and then exploit them in games.

  3. And your quarterback is making his first career start, ideally, how many times would you want to run the ball in the first half?


    For the record, Simpson had 4 carries in that situation. Great work Crowton!


    The most productive time for the offense was the last 7 games of last season, when Buck was in the booth with the headset on. Now if you ask me, you could pretty much take any former CFL QB and ask them to call the plays from Crowtons play book and it would be an improvement.

  4. Mack in September...status quo till November.....board hires Higgins/Forde by December, who announces Burke/Crowton/Creehan can look for work.


    New HC announced very early Jan -- likely an O mind like Dickenson.


    Bank on it. 


    Yup, stay the course to the end of the season, maybe offer up a coordinator or two as lambs, but start planning for the house cleaning that is coming in the off season.

  5. Entire staff. Coaching. And Burke is clueless as a HC.


    Bang on. Two games in a row facing top OC's and they made the defence look like swiss cheese. The Bomber defence is dreadfully undersized and teams have figured it out, pound the ball down their throats and get match ups on our smurfs in the secondary.


    And three games in a row where the Bomber offence gets shut out in the 3rd quarter, that's being out cached at half time, Crowton is garbage and Burke is clueless except when it comes to making the wrong decisions at pivotal points in games.


    ******* gong show again like the Jim Dailey year.

  6. I give the Argo defence just as much credit for stringing those Simpson runs out to the sideline as anything. The Bombers just don't run enough options out of that formation to fool most defences, never mind a Chris Jones defence.


    Still comes back to the OC having a bland offence with little or know imagination in the play selection.

  7. No, what I'm suggesting is that our fan base should pay attention and not whine or cry when we cut a veteran for a younger (gasp) cheaper player because, obviously other teams do it all the time.


    Actually, the speculation is that these guys were cut to make room for Isaac coming over from the Argos, so releasing a veteran to pick up another is not really the same thing.

  8. Yes. I say we go with the jet package. Defenses won't know if we are going fumble in the backfield or run and get stopped for a loss or if I'm going to be the only one touching the qbs.


    Hey, every team in the league uses the jet or sweep at least once a game, our problem is that we run out of the same option read every time unless Goltz is in and then runs with it. A whole 2 running plays in the arsenal.....not good enough.

  9. The best way to beat a good offense.......is to keep their asses planted on the bench as long as possible.


    Even a shitty offense (like the Bombers) can eat up clock with ball control but that means getting good production on first down, especially when all your big play guys are sitting in sick bay. Any QB can throw 6 - 7 yards, which is what you need on first down, once you're in second 3 or 4, then you can start to think about running.


    This is CFL Offense 101 at it's most basic.

  10. The Argos have a lot of speed, combine that with lots of crossing patterns (subtle picks) and an accurate QB and you get receivers looking wide open all night. The defence never had a chance playing man coverage and zone is only for experienced guys who have played together and know when to pass off on the coverage.


    That is why they all took turns looking bad tonight.

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