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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. This is a legitimate debate that always gets hijacked...


    Mack has never been against free agents, he just is ultra-conservative.  He went after or sniffed around Gauthier, Picard, Van Zeyl and a few others - he just balks at the final price tag and backs off.  Same thing happened with Reilly because whatever anyone wants to believe, if Mack offer some substantial picks for Reilly and the chance to start, Reilly is not turning around and going to Edmonton just because he has buddies there.  But, I digress.


    People weren't calling for half a dozen free agents over the years...  Just some depth guys, a vet to compete in camp, an OL, etc.  There were decent guys available, we all know this.  Its just not Mack's style.


    I liked this year's signings - Muamba and Dewit - but again, Dewit's back injury and cutting Logan before TC kind of soured it for me.


    The unfortunate part is that I believe Mack now has a reputation with other GMs and agents of being a 'non-player' in trade and free agent talks...  just my feeling, but even if he wants to change now, its probably too late.


    Great post, and I agree, it's not that he doesn't 'kick the tires' we know he does, just at the end of the day it's the same old, same old, close but no cigar.


    I also agree that Mack is the 'outsider' when it comes to GM's in the league, not his fault really, just that he had been awol for 25 years and most of the old guard he came up with are out of the league now.

  2. From your book "how to win friends and influence people"?

    Your opinion might be right. Or wrong. Who gets to decide?


    At least you are now asking the right question.....thank you.


    If there is evidence to contradict my opinion, then I would gladly admit I am wrong.

  3. So...maybe you should've specified which ones you thought were viable options.


    Then people don't have to assume you want Tristan Black as a starting LB, for example.


    Smart Alec.


    Nothing changed, no veteran free agents were signed, doesn't matter who, when, where or what.


    The simple fact that none were signed is proof that nothing has changed.


    Sorry if the gang is too slow to get it, it's not my problem.


    Actually I think the OP's point was the opposite of "nothing's happening."


    Always?  Five of our 2013 starters (Pierce, Sorensen, Boatman, C. Muamba, Palardy) were signed by Mack as veteran CFL free agents.  You just wanted four, I'll show you five.
    That said, it would be interesting to look at CFL rosters as a whole and see how many veteran CFL free agents you find on each so we have a basis for comparison when judging Mack's FA participation.


    I don't think that's right.  I think the crowd around here is plenty prepared to criticize Mack.  I know a lot of people here aren't happy about keeping Buck over Elliott.  And there's was a lot of heat about getting nothing in return for Hefney.
    I just think that the gang here is sensitive to criticisms that don't make sense, or are untrue. 



    Yes I was mocking the OP.


    Pierce was already on the list so you named 3 more, good job, so don't you think there were more than just those available?


    Every team has been more active than the Bombers in the past 3 years in free agency based on the CFL tracker, even the winning teams.


    If that was the case, this thread would have deteriorated to this. I never suggested Mack sign more free agents, only that he preferred to scout and develop maybe to a fault.

  5. The coaches and managers on this team are ******* paid to be able to identify when a guy who has been with the team all year and even got into some games last year is ready to take over a spot. Just because you don't see what they see doesn't mean it's a guessing game. They feel sure about this, whether they are right remains to be seen, but honestly this team has a pretty good track record at identifying players who can come in and play. so why don't we just trust that they have a clue here?


    Because they have had as many busts as successes, so excuse me if I don't blindly put my trust in them.

  6. Parker was the preparation in case Bowman left, why would they keep Parker around than for a full year if he could not slot up into the starting lineup. Greaves was also groomed to go in the Labatte spot. I don't think you grab the concept of player development and the role of the practice squad.


    No this whole thing just got off track.


    The OP said that nothing was happening, I agreed because this management has always chosen to scout and develop as opposed to the free agent route, which is the norm.


    Other posters just jumped on it as meaning that I was dissing Mack for not signing more free agents. I only posted the free agents to show that there were options not that he should have jumped on them.


    The crowd around here is very sensitive to anyone he questions the management it seems and here I thought this was the new 'wild west' forum.


    Kinda disappointing actually.

  7. he's not a prospect, he's a 2nd year player. Just because you haven't seen play doesn't mean the BB coaching staff hasn't. Are they never allowed to promote from within?


    Sure, but if I haven't seen him play then he is question mark in my mind, I'm not going to blindly assume he can without seeing it just because the coaches think he's ready. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, that makes him an unknown for now.

  8. We didn't need much in 2011?  You're saying that Mack isn't active enough in free agency but that he didn't need to be active in the year after we went 4-14 because we didn't need much?  I am not following you here.


    Rod Davis?  Does "solidify" mean "play for three teams in three years and not even make it to the end of training camp?"


    What receiver would we have cut in 2012 to make room for Cary Koch? At best, he would have battled Denmark for third import WR.


    Our two biggest OL issues at the start of 2012 were our lack of a centre and our lack of a backup RT to replace Andre Douglas.  We already had our solution at C (Sorensen) in camp.  And we solved our Taormina problem by signing a veteran CFL free agent named Shannon Boatman who has won the RT spot again this year.  I guess you might say that position is solidified.


    They got Buck in 2010, all you have to do is pick 3 more in the next three years......


    And again, I don't care how they find the replacements, the fact is they haven't been prepared for the departures that have occurred.

  9. Tristan Black is no better at WIL LB than Labbe.  He's primarily a special teamer.  Black would be competing with Rene Stephan to make our roster.  I hardly see adding him as a solution to the WIL LB spot.


    So then don't look at him, you only have to fill 4 positions in 4 years from the available free agents.......it's not that hard, really.

  10. Was Bowman an issue at will back then? News to me. Look part of the reason they felt OK letting Bowman go to FA was because they had Parker on the roster last season and felt he could do the job. Now we see if they're correct.


    Yup, another guessing game with a prospect, thanks for making my point.

  11. but 2010 and 2012 were good enough to get to the playoffs with better quarterbacking... and once you're in the playoffs who knows what happens. Look there is a mountain of evidence that says the teams with the best quarterbacking wind up being the best teams in the league... why do you think that the Als have been contenders each and every year? It's because they have had unreal stability at the quarterback position regardless of who else is on the roster. Why do you think BC has been good for so long? Because Wally has always provided them with at very least servicable quarterbacking. There is only one real issue with this roster and it happens to be the hardest position to fill.  I stand by that and I think we'll see it play out that way this year again. If this team gets servicable quarterbacking they will be a playoff team.


    We could argue this back forth and forth all day. I could point out the struggles of Ray in Edmonton only to find his form again in TO. Takes more than just a great QB to win in the CFL, takes an entire team and coaching staff and the odd lucky bounce or blown call by the officials.

  12. I agree with everything JBR says but I will add my own two cents. Let's say for example you are concerned about the WIL position this year. Obviously we weren't bringing in anyone in the past because we had Bowman and bringing in a veteran backup to a proven commodity is both expensive and generally completely uneccessary. Parker is by no means a proen commodity in the CFL and even if I personally am high on him, it doesn't mean squat. However, we are at the VERY least better off with him than we would be with Shomari Williams who is the closest thing to a WIL LB who hit free agency this year.


    Or if you're in the mood for a DB, last year we could have signed Byron Parker who was signed by BC and had a less than stellar year only to be released and signed by Montreal. Let's see if he lasts more than one year there.

    To say one "marquee" free agent in the last 4 years would solidify four positions is absolutely ludicrous. Remember when everyone in Winnipeg was crestfallen that we couldn't finalize a deal with "marquee" free agent Richard Karikari a few years back? That one sure bit us in the butt.


    One a year over the last 4 years:


    2010 - Buck Pierce QB, solidified starter

    2011 - We didn't need much going in, there were some guys available Eric Taylor & Terrius George on the dline and Archibald, Hudson, Ramsay on the oline, could of solidified 2 line spots.

    2012 - Oliners available, Picard, Parenteau, O'Neil, could have used 1 of them, Rod Davis LB, Koch WR, there's 3 more spots

    2013 - LB Black, DE Foley, DB Brown, 2 or 3 more there


    It's very easy to solidify 4 starting spots in 4 years just from the handful of guys I mentioned.

  13. I think you missed the point I was making entirely... The point is, get better qbing the roster is good enough to be in a grey cup, spend the year with the qb constantly getting hurt and you miss the playoffs. That is the issue here, QB. Get a good reliable qb in there this roster is perfectly able to make the playoffs. Hell look at Toronto for a good example as well. Poor qb play they're out of the playoffs, add the top qb in the league they win the Grey Cup. You want to talk about the roster and it's problems it starts at one position.


    No my friend, neither the 2010 or the 2012 teams were good enough to get to the Grey Cup with just better QB'ing and if you think that, then you have a lot to learn about football.


    That 2011 team was damned good, they just lost to a better really good team in the cup.

  14. I could also spit out three former NFLers that the CFL has swallowed and spit back out for everyone that's worked.


    For sure, the point remains though, you either agree with the path management has taken or you don't. I just don't see any upside. People want to point to the improvement from 2010 to 2011 when they stood pat but it was more than just staying pat, the pieces were already in place for that team, this one, I'm not so sure about.

  15. I'd love to hear what perks and bonuses you know are being paid on the side.


    Wetenhal has been giving away trips to Europe as door prizes to players wives/girlfriends at his 'appreciation parties' for years.....it was all over the CFL site that Cobournes better half won the trip for two to Paris.......there is more out there too, you just have do your own looking.

  16. wait.  You aren't supposed to ask that.  You're just supposed to nod your head and agree that we should have gone out and signed all of these magic free agents that existed in fairy land.  That's the way to look like a football genius.


    You need to see my reply to 17to85, this isn't about signing free agents, it's about choosing to develop prospects instead.

  17. Why is it people continue to say a team is cheap? The cap is the cap how you distribute that money is a team philosophy. At one point Edm paid Ray 450k of their cap was that sound?


    Because the SMS is complete garbage that's why, a community owned team hasn't won the cup since the SMS came in. The last 5 Grey Cup winners have all been private owners with Braley and Wetenhal tied at 2 each, lol.


    It's a paper sham, the perks and bonuses that those two pay out on the side to players/coaches wives/girlfriends would make your head spin.

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