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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. See what? Logan and the others you mentioned have already left....what exactly are you waiting for? Whats your motive for even bringing this up?


    If you have to ask, you don't deserve to know, you can simply wait and see like everyone else. I will say this though, it's takes some pretty big stones to go from GC finalist to league joke in only a year and half. Almost seems unbelievable that someone could f-things-u that bad by accident.

  2. Very true.We really are missing those amazing talents who made you stand up and yell.There are still lots of those dominating talents in the CFL, just not on the BB.If I was on the board of directors this thread would scare the hell out of me.Some of the most dedicated BB fans now sounding rather apathetic. This team cannot afford to turn fans off and lose them at the turnstiles.


    Don't kid yourself, all that talk and bluster from Butchko about how the Bombers were going to be the Pittsburgh Steelers of the CFL.......they let this happen because a few losing seasons is nothing when compared to the $200M at stake.  

  3. And they didn't even let him compete in camp!! He deserved a shot in camp IMO.


    Logan was part of the group who questioned the way things were being run, he was removed like Willis, Kent, Bowman before him, not because they couldn't play but because they didn't kiss Mack's butt.

  4. WHY OH WHY do we keep accepting mediocrity from guys like Morley, Boatman and Denmark when the defense is a freakin revolving door if you aren't in top form.


    It's pretty obvious that the guys that just tow the line and don't rock the boat are rewarded, not for their play on the field, but for their loyalty. Anyone who has spoken up against the company line has been removed from the team. Mack is a dickhead.

  5. That look on Burke's face when he had to call a timeout when old man Crowton couldn't get his crap together on the 2nd and inches play said it all to me.  The loud F___K!! that Burke yelled as he threw down his headphones said even more.  I don't think grandpa Crowton is around anymore as soon as tomorrow.


    Yup and if he doesn't have the power to show Crowton the door then what's the point of even having a HC. That's why I'm all for giving the 'next guy' the full power of GM/HC roles and make no mistake of who's in charge.


    Mack, who's decision have been nothing short of disasters, has too much say in the on field product imo.

  6. Don't feel bad guys, I know you think some of us are too critical of the team but, we have been around a lot longer than some of you and have seen good Bomber teams and very bad ones. We criticize because we have seen this movie before and know how it will end. They need to hit rock bottom first before any real change is going to occur, and yes that means starting with the architect of this pile of dung, Joe Mack. Believe your eyes is what I always say.

  7. Having had time to fully digest this question, I'm convinced that the next hire should have full control, that is GM and HC duties, much like when Dave Ritchie was brought in to clean up the mess and what the Ti-Cats have done with Austin. He would still have an AGM and PP guys as well as a full staff of experienced coordinators.


    None of the guys on the current list would qualify.


    Doug Berry

    Scott Milanovich

    Corey Chamblin

    Mike Benevides

    Jacques Chapdelaine


    I think that would be my short list.

  8. Seeing as how this is a GM thread, I figured I'd put it here. Lawless (I know...) said on H&L the other day he's heard from other league sources that Walters & Mack strongly disagreed on our 1st pick this year. Apparently Walters wanted Edem.


    So much for blaming the coaches for the on field product when they have no input into which players get brought in. Begs the question, is Joe Mack a control freak when it comes to the personnel? Sounds to me like bluto may have been closer to truth about the reason why things seem to never change. Big Joe's too proud to admit his picks stink.

  9. Here's what I don't understand.


    Would January-Greaves-Sorenson-Swiston-Pencer really be any worse at this point than January-Greaves-Sorenson-Morley-Boatman?


    Throw Swiston and Pencer into the fire like Calgary has done with Brett Jones or Edmonton has done with Matt O'Donnell and hey, maybe they surprise you. And if not, it's not like the guys we don't have in their spots currently are doing much better.


    Makes absolute sense to you and I and probably anyone else with a smidgen of common sense.......why did it take them so long to realize Buck was not the answer.......these are no brainer decisions to most people except those in charge. The only conclusion you come to is, the wrong people are in charge.

  10. Meh.


    Nice to be on the other end of a heart-breaker for a change. HAM's defense , ridiculously undermanned, forced a 50 yd. FG attempt so one cant complain too much about the closeness in the late going.


    Cuts deep for ESKs as they  cant get it done at home against a duct-tape defense and a rag-bag offense of HAM. 


    Hey Doc, grats on the win, I was actually reasonably impressed with the play of your d, especially the line, adding some beef inside shored up the run d and got a good push of the pocket back into the Reillys lap all night long.


    I see hope for you guys yet, d improvement in just 4 weeks is impressive.

  11. Anyone think that Mack either makes a trade or brings anyone in to jump in on our o-line?   Clearly it's a weak area and is their any fringe guys waiting for their NFL shots that we can maybe bring in once they get cut??


    Think we have anyone of value on the club that we can make a trade to get a starter?  Does JJ have enough value anymore for this?>  Any thoughts?


    Usually teams want your NI"s and draft picks when they know you are dealing from a position of weakness. It should be obvious to everyone by now that the Bombers have been focusing on trying to rebuild their NI talent. I mean, why else go through an extended period of sucking and not have anything to show for it at the end of the day? It's a tough pill to swallow for fans but is, imo, what you have to do for the long term good. The question that remains is, have the Bombers made the correct picks in the draft. If it was up to me, I would have used more picks on O & D linemen instead of what they did take, but that will be Mack's legacy when it's all said and done.

  12. If they brought in Tillman to be GM they might as well bring back Mike Kelly to be OC, Kavis "Consequences" Reed as our DC and Jeff Reinebold as Head coach.  Let's just have the entire clown show under one big tent.  They could even play "send in the clowns" before every game as our theme song.


    Hey, if you're going to go bad, might as well go bad all the way and that crew is so bad, it just might be good. But there is no way that group of psychos wouldn't kill each other first.

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