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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Sorry. Black people don’t have to carry the burden of being black, being targets, being victims AND having to police the white supremacists and idiots they are trying to create chaos. Black lives matter is about their treatment not this other stuff. People who see this and say “see, black people run amok” are missing the point and giving oxygen to their own subtle racism. To say the black folks have to speak out is akin to telling them they should know their role and shut up in the first place. I just don’t agree. Enough is enough with this. I know you’re not a bad guy. It’s just a disagreement here. We need to embrace and support without any “but....”.
  2. I don’t know, was the kid looting his store? Video and accounts seem to indicate the kid was skating by and the store owner was nowhere near his store and swinging a sword. If there was a riot of hundreds outside my house and I was alone I’m pretty sure my brain would tell me it’s not worth standing outside with a sword. I wouldn’t deserve a beating but I’d be pretty stupid to think I’d fend of an angry mob. let’s not bog down on the White supremacists, professional agitators and general miserable pricks taking advantage of legitimate protests. It sucks but it’s a distraction. And the root cause is not people running amok, it’s a populace that is hitting the breaking point and tired of not being heard and disgusted at the rise of everyday white supremacy and bigotry spurred on by a gutless president.
  3. The ugly part might have been when he tried to kill a black kid with a sword. Not condoning a beat down but there was more to the story.
  4. I believe he endorsed JT. His change was similar to mine in becoming disillusioned with a conservative movement that was prejudiced and stuck in the 30’s. I didn’t vote for JT because it was a non starter for me there. But it was the first time for a long time I didn’t vote for the federal cons.
  5. Doubtful. This isn’t white vs black. There are far more non-whites fully embracing BLM right now. Trump doesn’t gain. Everyone who is racist and gross was voting for him anyway. This will embolden everyone else to take more seriously the need to remove him from office. I expect more protests either in the short term or around Election Day at the White House. The populace is outraged. in other news, assuming there cops are incredibly stupid, you’d think one simple order from commanders would be “don’t shoot the media”. I wonder where they got the idea the media is the enemy.
  6. In fact many are white supremacists. I’m confused by your posts, I can’t tell if you’re more outraged at the protests than what they’re protesting.
  7. He wants new members of the G7? Someone should explain to him what the G7 represents. Lol Just imagine what happens when he loses. Nov to Jan will be all about empowering Russia and tearing down the US. And I bet if the Dems take the senate it will be a VERY active lame duck congress trying to ram through a ton of insane crap.
  8. Wisely staying out of this. Waiting for something they can say “yeah but the grand wizards economic plan is dope”.
  9. Difficult not to be emotional seeing this. A Sheriff who gets it. His police force gets it. And those are legitimate protestors, not White supremacists or professional agitators, who get it too.
  10. I don’t know if people understand what will happen if the Dems control the Whitehouse and both houses of Congress. It will be very serious, very fantastic change. It will also likely be a very big day of reckoning for Trump and this GOP. But once they turn the page on the very dark chapter of American history, man....the good they can do will be extraordinary.
  11. Good God these cops are going to kill more People. De-escalate!! WTF
  12. Look at those heroes protecting the cops from the cowards. That’s remarkable.
  13. Barr is a POS and I can’t wait to see the next AG investigate his ass right to jail.
  14. There are reports of white supremacists creating a lot of violence in these protests. Why? Because they want violence. They want a race war they believe they will win.
  15. Funny what a little knowledge can do. Thank you for that. I’d like to see stats on unprovoked or unnecessary killings by cop per race as well. Bet whites are doing ok.
  16. I think o mentioned this already but just to reiterate. I heard a guy on cnn make a point that you don’t defeat racism. It just hides waiting for oxygen. And trump has been that oxygen. There is no doubt about that. Although I think he’s pretty stupid so it’s possible it’s other people in his admin that give him the white supremacy dog whistles to tweet. this is what I mean by saying no one says “hey look I don’t agree with the grand wizard of the KKK but let’s listen to his economic plan”. That’s trump. Red line time. You stand with trump you’re a racist. It’s okay to be a conservative. It if you were a real non-racist conservative you’d hate trunk because he’s destroying the Republican Party.
  17. I know! I had to read it thrice to see if there was an angle. But he seems to be pretty wise when it comes to the pandemic and supportive of the efforts required to ensure it didn’t get out of control.
  18. True. But there is little doubt race relations have only gotten more tense under his presidency. A lot of racists would keep to their own but now feel it’s a legitimate viewpoint because of trump. He’s made the US far more divided.
  19. Funny how certain people never post the real news.
  20. Look at this piece of garbage. Relishing in harming protestors and bragging about weapons. He’s sick.
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