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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What they do the rest of the year isn't relevant. But from a pr perspective they can't plead poverty with $90,000 for six months work.
  2. Not sure if they intent to use "stamps" or wristbands or something. It probably isnt neccesary anyway. The Bombers are footing the bill for transit after the game so they probably wont care who gets on what busses following the game. If you didnt ride the Park & Ride to the game but for some reason want to be let off at Club Regent, do they really care?
  3. League will lock players out before the first game if there is not a deal. And if they dont, they are crazy. I wonder if the PA is hedging a bit, wanting a lockout over a strike, thinking it will swing public opinion in their favour. Regardless of the results of the strike vote, if the sentiment from players is they do not want to miss games, then the PA leadership might be smart to force a lockout situation and try to leverage that to get more unity from the players. Regardless, missing games is worse for the players than the owners. Thats why the CFL will sit back and let the PA continue to negotiate against itself. Either the PA will submit yet another offer or there will be some back channel efforts to get both sides to sit down and try to fingure out a face saving way to make a deal.
  4. I would presume its $5 per person paid at the location so it doesnt matter if its car, truck, bike, scooter, or feet. Also I can appreciate this idea that people should just pay so get over it. But you have to look at the bigger picture. This isnt just about transporting Bombers fans from Point A to Point B. If there were no traffic implications and bussing to IGF was a leisurely event, I would say ofcourse, pay or dont take the bus. But there are bigger issues. If the Bombers were going to pay X amount under the deal offered to them by the city and then scrapped by Katz, and are paying the same (if not more) under this new, less desirable plan, then the decision by Katz is a net negative to not only Bombers fans but other residents, drivers and Transit.
  5. If Ladd-Little-Frolik is out number 1 line, we're in trouble. That's our number 2 LW, our number 2 centre and our number 3 RW. Kane - Scheif - Wheeler is #1 across the board.
  6. Im okay with personal responsibility as far as paying your own transportation costs. But the question is going to be how much the charging impacts fans. Will just as many (or more) fans take Transit or the Park & Rides or will a significant number say forget it, we will try and find our own parking? This isnt an issue that only affects Bombers fans. Add in the large construction on Pembina HWY and if people choose to drive, they are looking at a big problem. Its fine if fans are willing to pay. But the Bombers and Transit had a deal that resulted in free transport for fans, increased ridership for Transit etc. And Sammy stuck a knife in it. Bombers are STILL going to be spending a considerable amount on transport but its a less desirable scenario for fans. Either way the Bombers were going to pay. All Sammy did was screw fans, area residents, local drivers etc.
  7. I guess if the PA really wanted to embarrass the league they could go on strike at about 8pm on Monday. Bombers and Argos walk off half way through the game.
  8. You're in the middle of a debate about it, so that probably means there is. Touche. There *shouldnt* be a debate about it. He's the #1 LW on the team (regardless of who is the so-called first line). Kane-Scheif-Wheeler is the top line on this team right now, barring trades.
  9. Pavs plays way more teams. Plays way more often. There is a reason Montoya was a top flight draft pick that has never been a starter anywhere. I like Montoya, but I'm not buying out Pavs and going with Montoya as my starter. In fact I bet they are considering ditching Montoya as their back-up. What they do in net is going to be very interesting. Hutch has earned an opportunity but he's subject to waivers.
  10. Salaries linked to a percentage of revenue (revenue sharing in this context) isnt favourable to the CFL (as a whole, not the owners). Even if the NHL, it resulted in sky-rocketing salary caps. Now, one would argue that meants league-wide revenue increased which is true but the lowest teams end up suffering because they can barely afford to make the floor. The CFL can't afford to have their worst teams bleeding money any more than they already are. Too much disparity between the haves and have-nots. Salaries should be a set amount. And remember, the players wanted to de-link salaries from revenue last CBA because it was better for them. Now they want it back because it's better for them. Too bad. Players should *not* accept their low base salary, as far as the minimum goes anyway. As many others have said, an increase in the cap will benefit the richest or most in-demand players. It wont trickle down to the grunts or the majority of players. The players should be more interested in increasing minimums than making sure the star QB gets a raise. So yes, there should be and will be a minimum-wage increase. Who said anything about players having a second job? Thats not relevent at all. Im sure some players saved their money. But even in bigger leagues like the NHL, there were players would were feeling the pinch. We're talking millionaires here. I own the house I can afford. Wealthier people usually dont have the same house or car. People live to their means. So these guys are coming here to work and likely need their cheques. The PA has already negotiated against itself. There is no reason for the CFL to take any different approach other than to say "our last offer was our final offer".
  11. Kane is a bonafide number 1 left wing right now. There is no debate on that.
  12. Forgot about that - the construction on Pembina HWY. Yikes.
  13. Well it sounds like it is Transit's responsibility to provide whatever they feel is required as far as "regular" transit to the games. The Bombers will then provide Charters from their Park & Ride locations. Im not certain about the plan to get people home, but I would assume Bombers will charter busses to run the required transit routes (does that mean transit will bow out of having their regular at-cost routes after games?). Also wondering if Bombers are chartering Transit busses or school busses.
  14. This sounds like its going to be a gong show. Invariably, less people will take transit (especially the first few games until they realise driving is a bad idea). One can presume Transit isn't in on shanking the Bombers like Sammy so they will probably have as many busses as required. But the second you charge for anything, it will impact how many use it. I wonder if a gong show for the first couple of games and a public outcry will see the city reverse their stance on the Bombers Transit deal? Sammy was way out to lunch when he tried to say the team was in a "robust financial situation" with a $2.9 million profit but having not made any of the debt obligations. Its another sign Sammy isnt running for Mayor when he so casually thumbs his nose at a significant amount of people.
  15. This is untrue. Montoya plays less ghames, usually against lower competition. I like Montoya but if I could only have one of them, it's Pavs. Just has more raw ability. Montoya is a savvy goalie who knows how to play the odds. But Pavs has better pure athletics and talent. Ill say this, if Im Chevy and I still believe in Pavs, Im firing the goalie coach. I know he's a former Moose blah blah blah but if the consensus is Pavs just needs to work on mechanics, then WTF is the coach doing for him? But then again if I was Pavs, I'd swing a trade for Reimer's rights and I'd go into the season with Pavs/Reimer knowing I have Hutch in St John's ready for a call up. I'd hope both guys play well and depending on where we are mid-season, I'd trade one of them at the deadline.
  16. Ludicrous. A late first rounder? Are you guys crazy. Its way to simple for people to say "oh you crazy Jets fans over value your players". If Chevy announced an auction for Kane and Buff tomorrow, the bidding would be surprise a lot of you.
  17. I find you get a lot of food at OJ's so Im not sure I'd say over priced. I always leave there stuffed.
  18. I think lawless' position was "ofcourse the leak is indicative of a dysfunctional BOD but Im still going to coax out info and report it." Either way, when someone bad mouthed Irving to Gary, he was very gracious in his response and actually put over CJOB and Irving stronger than I would have guessed.
  19. Pretty much exactly how it went. Knuckles was mad at how unprofessional the organization was. It appeared the board was leaking the story so the Bombers would have no choice but to can Mack. Yes, thats it. That refreshes my memory. I love Irving but I do recall feeling he was off-base in his rant. I think Gary's position was well, you can be critical of a leak but its his job to coax the leak out. I also recall (though I cant remember why) that Irving was more mad that it came from TSN rather than CJOB as one would suggest Irving's reaction would be different if, say, Asper sent him a text with the same info. irving wouldnt have sat on it. Also, if I recall wasnt the issue that by that point Garth was lame duck anyway? That when it came down to him wanting Mack fired, it was too late to save himself?
  20. I havent *really* thought about it nor do I know the details of the top 3 picks and where their talent level is and when they will be roster players but I think Kane is worth more than 1st over-all. He's the type of player Florida should want. He's a potential 40 goal guy. Gritty, lots of effort, big personality and would fit in there. He's young, has a good contract. If the conversation starts at Kane for 1st overall I think the add-ins on either side could get it done but its not going to be Kane for 1st and Huberdeau but maybe Kane & Postma/Redmond for 1st +... maybe?
  21. I think Chevy is going to be looking at moving up in the draft. I would trade Kane for 1st over-all. I'd like something else as well because it's not like we're talking McDavid so even though 1st overall should be a no-brainer, you never know. But maybe we make a package thats Kane + a prospect for 1st and a roster player that helps us now. We could swap 1sts, but boy i'd love to snag 1st and keep the 9th as well. We might end up stepping back this season but its a reloading. Under that scenario, maybe we keep Buff just to have some skill and stability but I'd go all the way and trade Buff to someone like Philly thats willing to part with some solid roster players that help us now, get us a bit younger. A guy like Richards might seem counter-intuitive to the idea of trading Kane and Buff for even younger pieces, but I think he'd a great guy to keep us from completely slipping. He's a compete guy. And if we trade a core piece, we can certainly afford it. He might be the type of guy that is the aging veteran grey-beard that helps us when our team is really competing in 2-4 years.
  22. No, that's not it. The place I'm thinking of is a fair ways South down St. Mary's Rd. Is that Diane's? Or something like that?
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