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Jimmy Pop

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Everything posted by Jimmy Pop

  1. We always seem to do crappy on the crappy network.
  2. We can't even agree what the actual controversy is!! Here is the only place I've seen anyone bring up what Maurice actually said. That one quote that no one can produce. That's what got us off on the wrong foot yesterday. What the radio folks have been bantering about is whether this is 100% injury related, or if it's moreso using the injury as part of a helpful coverup for the healthy scratch. Meaning, yeah he's nicked, but you betcha they wanted Poolman in to shake things up vs Edm. That's a much more nuanced conversation than we've been on about here, frankly.
  3. Watched our PP when Buff's out there? He's never on the point. That's the problem. When he is it's all slappers into shin pads. I'd rather Trouba, Morrissey and Myers before Buff on the PP.
  4. The bigger issue is if you don't have Buff in front of the net on PP, you're making the whole unit worse. His free wheelin' in from the blueline seems to rarely result in goals, more oft just gets ppl out of position and we give up the puck. Couple that with the Jets resistance to move Lowry off that #1 unit, and you've shot yourself twice in the foot. We don't need our D creating offense like Buff tries to. We need them to keep the puck in the zone and keep the cycle going. The more possession stays with Scheifs, Wheeler, Little etc the better.
  5. There's just so many other worse things these guys could be doing......a more dangerous outdoor activity, partying, heck even the kids who probably just play video games for a whole day. It's fishing for pete's sake. Relaxing, easy, risk free activity. I have no problem with guys doing it on their days off, whether healthy or in Hendricks / Buff's case, unhealthy.
  6. Stulikov is one of the very few strong athlete nicknames to come from this town. I cringe every time Scheifs gets referred to as Bambi.
  7. All I'm going to say I usually side with (the good) media who like us can hear everything available to the public, but also have the benefit of being there. Reading tone and body language. Yeah, I get some feel most media in town tow the Jets line, but still. Dangerous game to rely solely on memory....especially since we all seem to consume so much social media fan jargon. Blurs the lines of who said what. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2017/10/10/jets-maurice-praises-poolman-for-play-against-oilers
  8. I listened to the TSN audio that day and couldn't find the quote. Ken Wiebe and the media guys who normally tweet that stuff didn't seem to get it. The quote also has multiple versions in this thread, so I think we're trying too hard to read into something that's likely not there.
  9. Wheeler also took a "maintenance day" with Buff on the 8th. On the morning of the 9th, Maurice confirms both took maintenance days and he expects both to be in the lineup. Following the EDM game coach confirms it's a LBI for Buff and he's day-to-day. Seems pretty cut & dry to me. Had Wheeler missed the EDM game, there's zero chance this debate gets raging. It's all fanspeak at this point; Buff stunk, so we must have benched him. Nothing in the last few days, or in 6 years, gives indication Jets would make a play like that in game 3 of the season.
  10. I think that's the natural progression. As Trouba, Morrissey & Poolman continue to improve the need to play him often decreases. I'm willing to be patient with his adjustment to a lesser role. I agree, he's not going anywhere.....I mean unless someone throws Buff's clothes in the shower. Let’s see over the coming weeks how he does with the 22 mins or so Maurice gave him the first 2 nights. Even that’s quite a bit less than last year’s workload. Maybe noticing Buff less will be a good thing.
  11. Save the drumroll. No one says your stadium isn't nice. It's the people that fill it up that are the problem. When's your pal Klutch coming back with our $$$ ?
  12. This one's almost as important as yesterday's to me. A loss would be oh-so-Jets, really. We need to keep the Mo going....and hope Mau doesn't stand in the way of that.
  13. This is a good debate... I think I still lean towards him being a net-positive player for us. But hard to argue that he doesn't have massive peaks & valleys in his game...and it does seem to mirror how the team plays more often than not. His influence is huge. When he's off, he's throwing others off. When he's on, he's a difference maker.....but how much of one? This team belongs to 55, 29, 27, 8 etc. already. If you knew 100% Trouba would sign long term after Buff was dealt, it may be a good move for us. But you can't risk losing both if you were to say trade Buff, then fail to sign #8.
  14. can't believe no one's mentioned the BIG news today: Beaver Tails are back at Winnipeg Stadium!! About freakin' time, I say! Looking forward to seeing the firepits and warming huts in the tailgate area today. Don't care too much for Fall, but love me some Fall Football!
  15. My mom and her pops got seasons in '84 and were going for years before that. BC SUCKS has been around since at least that era. Mom's got great memories of the usually reserved Pops going ballistic at Bomber games. Hahaha at least I know where I get it from.
  16. I'm more excited to watch RNH hit 100 pts this year!
  17. Biggest issue Jets have is they have all these fancy parts, but that's all they have. The sum of those parts is lousy & has been for awhile. Good teams aren't like that. I'd be fascinated to be a fly on the fall when Chevy/Chipman etc review their coaching staff every offseason. Really hate being a hater... but other than the perceived help Maurice and co have given the youngsters - don't all coaches do that?!? - what else have they done / do they do, to contribute to success? Or...what we view as success. That leads to.... The entire organization either has zero accountability from top down, or expectations are so low that it makes the bar easy to reach.
  18. Mason starting game 2 is the right move, IMO. As mentioned, his mental game has been questioned in the past. You take his starting gig away after 1 bad game = bad precedent that may really sour him. Give Mason the CGY game to regroup and throw Helle to the wolves vs. Edm. Either way, goaltending only one of 1208412 that didn't go our way last night.
  19. It's everything post 1st period that really got me pissed off. Okay so Leafs got mo from the PK and put some goals in, big deal. Start the 2nd with a PP... has to be 3-1 there. New game. Instead Leafs score, Jets look disinterested. Give up THREE more after that. Doh. What a sad start. Complete disaster in our own end.
  20. With our offence it's never over after 1 period. Otherwise agree completely. Here I was laughing to myself at the Leafs for taking Jets like penalties. Bang bang bang. 3-0. Crowd lifeless, team dejected. ... this team makes quitting smoking even more of a challenge
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