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Posts posted by robynjt


    Willy can only get better. 

    When you say ONLY, your saying that Willy's career night is not only the new normal, which it isn't, but the new lowest expectation we should have.  From here on out, Willy could get better, worse, or be the same.  That's the reality  The 'Debbie Downer' view would be he's already played his best game and he will ONLY get worse.  (Read it in a Eeyore voice to get the full effect.)



    I don't think I've ever agreed with you.... but absolutely this is what I meant.

  2. Nope I'm not convinced, Fraser. There are Bomber fans here that are just like that character in Peanuts with a cloud of rain constantly over them. Doom & gloom. When I get criticized for just innocently saying that Willy's going to get better & NOTHING ELSE & it's interpreted that I meant he's going to some kind of great qb, then I have to wonder. 

    Of course, I can almost guarandamntee it that if Drew sucks against the redblacks then those same people will come back here & say to me, "Told ya so." Seen this before. Wash, rinse & repeat.

    Give me a break, are you honestly trying to say that's what I am doing here?  Not to mention I hardly "criticized" you - when one states "x can only get x" you are speaking in absolutes, which is simply not true in football, which is all I said...  


    If he stinks it up against the RedBlacks, I'll just say "growing pains are expected".  Why the hell would I want to rub it in your face?  I want this team to win as much, if not more as the next person.  I want him to succeed just as much as the next person.  One thing I can guarantee is that you won't come here and say you were wrong.  One thing about the "let's wait and see" attitude (which I have, in case you still haven't figured it out), is you can't be wrong.  ;)

  3. So, the Negative Nancys & Neds have finally come out to play. All I said was he should keep getting better with experience. I never said he was the next Ken Ploen or Tom Clements.

    No, it's just that one game does not make a benchmark for future expectations.

    Oh come on, iso, I'm far from a negative Nancy as you so eloquently put it. Just saying one great first game and everyone is jumping on the Willy as our saviour bandwagon? That is something I will not do. As always I am cautiously optimistic, but absolutely he could appear worse or not improve as defences learn more about him, or as he plays better defences.

    Fraser represent thoughts well. He had a GREAT game but statements like 'he can only improve from here' after an offensive player of the week game without your handy 'oh I meant he can only develop from playing time' sound ludicrous. Jyles' great comeback? Elliot's two great games? And where are those guys now? What have they done?



    I had him as my fantasy running back this week - did any of you ? No TD's though :(

    Had him as my flex. Good numbers in that spot.



    I had Owens in there at flex. Embarrassed to say I cheered when he had that ST TD - but only because we had the game won already :)


    I cheered... he was my lock of the week!  I'll take a garbage td at that point ;)

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