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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. JC Abbott wrote a piece on the win in 3DN. My favorite part is his commentary on Bomber fans. This is an excerpt. "Winnipeg has replaced Saskatchewan as the home of the CFL’s most relentless fanbase and they tend to let you hear it online. At least with Rider Nation, the most radical fringes could always be ignored as incoherent. Bombers fans at least own a dictionary and they will bludgeon the non-believers with it if given a chance." Har
  2. I envision him in a gale, lashed to the broken wheel of a rudderless galleon…laughing at the storm
  3. Here’s a hypothetical. Rourke is released to try the NFL. He languishes and ends up on a NFL practice roster. Come September, he decides to return to the CFL. Even if he made a gentlemen’s agreement with the Lions, could it be possible that he engages in a bidding war for the end of 2022? Who would be able to free up the $?
  4. Difference is, Hammie realized they needed to be aggressive if they wanted their man. Meanwhile, O’Day stands slack jawed at Mosaic, while the painters apply our logo to their end zone.
  5. He’s intentionally trying to adopt that as his own personal catch phrase. So stupid.
  6. He and our man Taylor are cut from the same cloth. Excitement I like, giddiness I don’t.
  7. Now I know why Noel Thorpe never gets a sniff for head coaching positions.
  8. “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Rod Black, who was crucified. He is here; he has risen, just as he said.
  9. Am I imagining this, or did Stove say a reason for signing with BC was due to the climate? I wonder if he’ll be on the sidelines for the game?
  10. …or Noel Thorpe. A few years ago, he was always being mentioned when HC jobs came up.
  11. Stamps players sure howled about how badly they were disrespected during (first) all-star voting. Good thing they proved their worth against BC.
  12. I’m hoping that next week he’ll be on the panel, where he is excellent. Hopefully TSN will make him a decent offer for the full time gig, so they can get rid of some of the dead wood, because there is plenty.
  13. (7:30 remaining) ”No need for Calgary to worry; they’ll get the ball back 6 or 7 times, maybe more.” -G Suitor
  14. Can’t understand how the other fans stand it. I think I would crack. Be like Belushi on Stephen Bishop.
  15. Agreed. Still think that The club will do what they can (if anything) to accommodate. It’s all about the optics, and Wade is well aware.
  16. Plus the convicts could regulate each other because you sure as hell wouldn’t find anybody to work there.
  17. I could see Campbell getting votes. Pretty sure OSH wasn’t unanimous.
  18. Playing silly bugger here. Given the lack of available QBs, is there any OC out there (not named McAdoo) who has the chops to work alchemy with the lead weight - Fajardo?
  19. You’re a testimonial for those who haven’t walked in your shoes, yet say, meds are universally bad. Medication has and continues to improve the lives of many. Not all, but many. Add to that, a trusted and effective clinical relationship and you’re well on your way. Good on you.
  20. Streveler did it in the 2019 semi. Temp -11. LTF for Wpg on the 13th is a high of -8
  21. It didn’t take me long to read a reference to my favorite football term: karma…Gack!
  22. He and Lapo would give new energy to the panel. They could get rid of the rest for all I care. Their schtick is beyond tired.
  23. She’s almost as bad as the screaming “ya, the horn” chick riding in the sidecar of the unending whatever commercials.
  24. Just watched the Agudosi/Calgary game where Collaros to Ellingson was surgical. (Demski was out that game too.) I’m watching to see if they can recreate some of that magic tonight.
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