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Captain Blue

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Everything posted by Captain Blue

  1. Reflecting on the win and the journey today, its amazing to see how far we've come. The Bombers were 3-15 coming off the Tim Burke era. Organization and roster were a mess. Lots of media folks reporting that O'Shea might be a good head coach, but probably not in Winnipeg. That he'd succeed in his second chance somewhere else. Now he's a Grey Cup champion, for us.
  2. Absolutely amazing. This organization deserves it. Walters and O'Shea took this team from one of its lowest points and have turned it into a champion. Nice to see great guys like LaPo and Hall win too. Management, coaching, players - can't give them enough credit for this season and this Cup.
  3. The Bombers have to be a hell of a lot better next week to have a chance. I still can't believe they overturned that fumble.
  4. I am so happy. Team really came out and dominated the second half. Get rested and ready for Sask.
  5. LaPo trying his very best to lose this game.
  6. I am always happy to beat Calgary. Whiny a-holes like their coach.
  7. I really didn't buy O'Shea heading to Toronto very much, but after this game I really am. I just don't know what we are doing out there.
  8. Which is why he should have used at least one before this point. Kept waiting for some magic play that he could use it on, instead decided to throw it away on a play that had no chance.
  9. Did someone hit O'Shea over the head before the game? What is he thinking?
  10. Its okay, our coaching staff only looks at how many field goals we need to win.
  11. Collaros has made some really nice throws tonight, but also thrown one INT plus another two that should have been picked. Weird night, running very hot/cold.
  12. Find yourself someone who loves you as much as LaPolice loves running the football.
  13. Osh is having a terrible game. We need to challenge some of these terrible calls. Calgary getting a lot of help.
  14. Lawler and Bailey are good, we just need to get them more involved. One day I hope we have a real OC.
  15. I get all that and I get why they went with Collaros. I just am approaching the game differently than Osh. I think this game is irrelevant.
  16. I love Osh but he really does not seem to understand the benefits of going for two.
  17. I would rather have watched him tonight over Collaros. Gonna lose either way. May as we look at next year. But I understand their desire to try to right the sinking ship with Collaros.
  18. Don't really see the point. There are a lot of issues with this team and specifically the offense that won't be changed even if they switch Collaros in for Streveler. If we are going to lose - and that does appear somewhat likely - I would have rather watched Streveler and/or McGuire, if only to look at your 2020 options with those guys.
  19. Particularly given that every time the Bombers fire anyone remotely successful they almost always end up with someone worse. Ritchie to Daley. Berry to Kelly. LaPo to Burke. All three went to a Grey Cup (Ritchie, Berry, LaPo) and we replaced all three with absolute incompetence. I am very much willing to keep O'Shea, particularly if we are getting a new OC.
  20. Its 2019. If your offensive coordinator can't figure out how to generate some easy yards and create at least a decent pass game then he isn't very good. Paul LaPolice isn't very good.
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