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Piggy 1

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Everything posted by Piggy 1

  1. 1. Brady Olivera ,what a debut. 2. The big boys up front for opening the holes for him. 3. That entire D line. They are scary. HH. Collaros ,I didn't realize he could move like that.
  2. I thought 45 played a solid game ,outside of that opening score by the Cats.
  3. Why is Brandon Banks so hyped? Man ,hes whiny.
  4. It was a segue from do or die's gin reference. I am a Jack man . Get it? Hello..................................
  5. I wonder if anyone is as "Jacked" as i am right now ....GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Agreed ,and what about Sandra Shmirler's miracle shot in the Olympics? forget what year that was.....
  7. I'm gonna check it out this week yet.
  8. Sorry if Im behind time ,has anybody watched that Tom Hanks flick,News of The World?
  9. Its going to be very interesting how Maurice handles this ,going forward. But I love the wealth of talent up the middle. Anybody know if Little is retired ,or out for the year.....
  10. I for one,will not miss Westie trying to sound like an expert on the Jets woes. But ,what Bell did, is atrocious. Wish whoever was affected the best.
  11. I'm a gonna go with Ricky Ray, guy was like a Timex, took a lickin and kept on tickin. Also a class act off the field.
  12. Yup, I was there at that game that day. And his 100 some yard catch with no time left against The Shmoes. Can still here Cuthbert losing his ****.
  13. Got the alert on my phone whilst headed to Plap. Damn near drove into the ditch i was so pumped. Get that secondary shored up ,we back for the Cup baby. Kyle is gettin er done.
  14. Is it a done deal? Or conjecture? Haven't seen anything official.....
  15. I thought RC's area of expertise was offense? What am I missing/not getting here?
  16. Anybody seen the new Rambo ,yet? I think its the best one yet.......
  17. Nice ,better than Friesens drivel in the Sun.
  18. Merry Christmas guys,and gals. And lets hope for a repeat of 19 , as in another championship. Go Blue!!!
  19. Oh, she cheered as loudly as me when we won. For her its over though ,on to the Jets now. I'll prolly watch it a few more times ,lol
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