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the watcher

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Everything posted by the watcher

  1. Oh , the look on MBTs face with the bobbled snap, priceless
  2. Not only is the USA collapsing but they are doing their best to take everyone else with them.
  3. It's just becoming a question of how far backwards parts of the US will revert to. Then it becomes a question of how much the other parts will put up with. And there's your civil war.
  4. My worry is that the economy and the lingering effects of the pandemic ( inflation, shortages, general frustrations real and imagined) will override what he is doing. ( selling his soul for power ). I'm really hoping the Libs convince Trudeau to step down before the next election. A new face would go a long way to insuring PP disappears into the books as a failed Trump wanna be.
  5. The Argos owners were worried if they played on the weekend a crowd might show up and ruin their vision of the league and it's ultimate demise.
  6. On that very subject. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/28/why-were-democrats-caught-flat-footed-by-the-end-of-roe-v-wade And this
  7. I guess unless you are a gun toting, neo Nazi, white supremacist, you have no right to protest. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/28/peaceful-pro-choice-protests-violence-attacks-police
  8. Lol. I guess I worded that poorly. They need to be alive and healthy going into the slaughter plant. I presume the US laws are the same
  9. The opposite. You can't use a previously dead animal for human consumption so there are 10,000 less animals in the system for breeding/ slaughter. The packers will use this as an excuse to up the price of beef.
  10. Personal rights and wants over rule everything else. It's not a good recipe for a functional society.
  11. But it's not just the GOP. The Dems while not as utterly insane as the Trump crew have been guilty of pandering to the rich and to large corporations just to fill their coffers. Of starting needless wars that have killed 10s of thousands. Of not joining the rest of the world in a healthcare system that helps everyone. Of not waking up to the destruction of the enviroment. Republican or Democrat the USA is all about amassing my stack of money and keeping the other guys hands off of it. That stack and what the individual desires is more important than anyone else's life ( including children), the rest of the world, the environment they live in, or their fellow citizens rights or lives. They are a failed state. Can they recover ? Perhaps but it might require them to completely fall apart 1st. And that won't be particularly pleasant for their next door neighbours.
  12. School shootings are so normalised in the US now that every time you can predict the outcome. Outrage for a week or 2 then back to normal. It won't change. Or if it does it will be for the worse. I believe this chart covers the last 9 years. And just to keep that American number in perspective, Canada had 19 school shootings between 1884 and 2016. ntry School Shootings United States 288 Mexico 8 South Africa 6 India 5 Pakistan 4 Nigeria 4 Afghanistan 3 Brazil 2 France 2 Canada 2 China 1 Russia 1 Turkey 1 Germany 1 Kenya 1 Greece 1 Azerbaijan 1 Hungary 1 Estonia 1 Japan 0 United Kingdom 0 Italy 0 Spain 0 Argentina 0 Australia 0 Netherlands 0 Switzerland 0 School Shootings by Country 2022 Show Sources
  13. Na, it circled, plugged up and the crap flowed all over long ago. Now it's overflowing into our place.
  14. It is a bizarre ,violent country. When the grocery store mass shooting happened ,one thing really stuck in my mind. They reported that the shooter came in and the armed guard shot him but he was wearing an armoured vest so it didn't hurt him. Now think about that. An ARMED GUARD in a grocery store. Is there another country in the world so F#@#ed up that they need armed guards in their grocery stores ? Can you imagine walking into Costco or Safeway in Winnipeg and seeing an armed guard ? And now all the focus in the latest school shooting has moved to how the police screwed up. ( Which they did) Unfortunatly the side effect of that is it takes attention away from the real issues of why it happened. Easy access to people killers, reduction in accessibility to mental health care and other social services and a general rot in their society.
  15. A powerful speech by Lucy Mcbath on Roe vs Wade.
  16. Cows really can have distinct personalities. I had a cow I bought from a neighbor and when she had a calf she was loaded with milk so I tried milking her. And we came to an agreement . I'd feed her some prime 2nd cut alfalfa and she would let me milk her 2 front teats. If I tried the back 2 she would fidget and fuss. They were reserved for her calf. One day when I wasn't in a pleasant mood I went to milk her and her mood matched mine.She kept moving around and finally knocked over the pail of milk. I stood up firing off expletives and kicked her on her back shin. She looked back at me with a " oh, yeah " look and cracked me right back with her back hoof on my shin. We looked at each other for a minute , I gave her some more feed, sat down quietly and milked her accepting that I had been put in my place.
  17. Just a couple of first hand accounts on alfalfa , poplar, cows and trees. I have grown alfalfa most of my life. As a feed when I had cattle, as a crop when I sold bales and notably as a rotational crop in grain production. Alfalfa is a nitrogen fixer. It takes nitrogen from the air and converts it into a form that can be used by plants. It's root system also breaks through hard pan and mellows up soil for multiple years. It along with other legumes and beneficial plants can be part of a plow / graze down system for organic production. ( which we currently do ) On poplar. They are a pretty good firewood. No, not as good as oak or ash but properly cured and STACKED it's good wood. We currently burn almost exclusivly spruce as many of the spruce planted by my father and uncle in the 30s or maybe even late 20s have timed out and are dieing. I'd much rather burn poplar but we need to clean up the dead spruce. One of the good things about planting poplar is I dont believe any of the host of diseases and bugs have attacked them yet. Dutch elm disease got our elms and now the Emerald Ash bug will devastate the ash. ( including all the ones plated as windbreaks ). Poplar are a resilient, fast growing , tree. There was a push to plant marginal land to trees for pulp and paper a few years ago and it was poplar that was being planted. On cows and trees : They certainly can clean out all the young trees out of a bush, depending on the number of cows and the size ( acres ) of the bush.. There was a study done in our area a few years ago that showed the most environmentally beneficial thing to do with our riparian zones was to fence the cattle out but allow them to come in and graze off the grasses a couple of times a year. That way there is less damage to trees, and soil but less grasses on the clear spots that build up a thatch and send phosphates down stream. Edit : Dammit all that cow/ poplar talk has dredged up a memory. I can't stop myself from telling it .I had a cow, " Missy " that had a real talent for walking down poplar trees. She would take a poplar up to 3 inches in diameter ,maybe 15 ft tall , push on it then get it between her front legs on her brisket and walk it down till she got to leaves. The crazy part was no other cow could do it quite like her but they knew that she could and would gather around when she started doing it so they could join in the feast. You wouldn't want a herd with her ability.
  18. I think the really great teams don't only have great all stars but very good " bits and pieces " that compliment them . Guys like Hansen, Miller.... are the icing on the cake that make this team special.
  19. Gotta look at the positive, cause why not. We are 2 and 0 after sub par performances As bad as things looked last night, when push came to shove the 2 time champs stepped up and started making plays on both O and D. These guys know what it takes to win. There are issues but there is no reason not to think the Canadian Trio and a bit of time won't fix it.
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