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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. He talked about keeping his eyes down field and dumping the ball off more during the post game interview, he's already doing that too. He has really impressed me this year.
  2. Yeah he's not keeping his eyes down field either. Two reads and then he goes
  3. That 2nd drop was tough, but still need to bring those in. That 1st ball...yeah he played that weird. I'll be blown away if he doesn't make the cut, but he's got a lot of talent lining up behind him
  4. When Walker was rushing in, he straight up head butts him. It's the first contact made. That was the flag.
  5. No he still called it wrong. There was helmet to helmet contact on that qb sack.
  6. Was helmet to helmet. Was brief, but the right call. The announcers missed it. It wasn't the tackle that caused it.
  7. Brown looking solid so far. Great choices, solid pocket awareness.
  8. Tell me how horribly places with higher wages are doing compared to Winnipeg? You have the rest of Canada to compare us to, Winnipeg/MB must be absolutely killing it compared to the rest of the nation. Again, you're speaking as if Winnipeg isn't influenced by the globe. And we are. Until that changes, wages have to increase. If your business can not keep up, that is super shitty. If you'd like to change it, we need to start kicking global competitors out of our economy. That is quite literally the only solution, well I suppose you could also convince the rest of the world to pay liveable wages....but after that...anything else is just a band aid. oh i should also add, in a capitalist society (because BOOO Socialism) businesses fail all the time and are replaced by better ones. So if we're going to play make believe in the way we think our economy works. If you're business fails, it's your fault and you should start another with a better business plan.
  9. This only works if we don't live in a global economy. When you apply it to the real world, the one we live in right now, keeping wages low = more poverty and that's it. Regardless of any new corporations coming to town to create jobs, regardless of any money pumped into industry etc etc. None of that matters. Raising the wage will force some out of business, that's unfortunate, but also the way it's supposed to go in this "capitalist" society we have. If your business can not change with the times, sorry, time to move on. Now turning the economy back into an industrial one, or one where it's based on what Canada creates for Canada would be great. But again, in a global economy, that is never going to happen. Not without huge (likely tragic) events taking place. So again, it's good but there's no way in hell I'm making people wait for that to occur. also, "draconian socialist government" as a phrase doesn't make sense. I'd like you to actually look up what socialism is. I'll give you a head start, if you're reading something that says socialist governments can be draconian, you should find another source.
  10. As per our great premier, our wages have to stay competitive! Can't be raising wages all willy nilly. How will CEOs eat?
  11. I could see Pipkin in SSK and or BC. Maybe even OTT.
  12. the year preseason games changed to glorified scrimmages.
  13. I think Prukop needs to have the game of his life to get a spot.
  14. I don't think anyone counts Gray out. And to his credit, when he's in he's been very good. But "chance to start" is implying he hasn't been given an opportunity to win starting jobs...when he has. And has not been able to win those jobs.
  15. I'm expecting less than a quarter of work from Collaros. Hoping to see more of Borsa and Rene on Defence.
  16. I really liked his post game interview. Talked about his performance and some things he should have done better. But also addressed last years CGY game and how he was trying to be so careful with the ball to not create turnovers and hiw that mindset led to mistakes and Ultimately turnovers. I thought he looked far better than prukop and I expect him to be the #2 this year.
  17. I swear I saw something about a family day at the stadium for kids etc. Like they've done in the past with inflatable castles and games etc etc as well as ring pick up for season ticket holders. But i can't find anything...
  18. I used to like poke fun at how bad the CFL and or TSN was at marketing the game....It's no longer a joke. It's become a serious problem that the league needs to fix asap. This league is ******* doomed.
  19. But hey, we'll get to listen to some shitty ass country pop tune for the next 6 months! That'll get people pumped!
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