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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Public polls really should be taken with a big grain of salt. They're just so difficult to do properly. The expression "__% of people think this, based off this poll" should almost never be used as proof of anything.
  2. I truly believe things like this will get far worse under a PP government. I've been waiting on the PCs to bring an actual leader forward and step above the bs that is modern day politics. But they keep coming out with weird harper clones.
  3. I can see both sides of this. On one side, if there are real issues around other states interfering with our elections, we should take a look. On the other hand, has there been any actual evidence brought forward? Like what is the proof that what Mr.Dong is being accused of, would have made a difference...? That's what I get stuck on. Like you have to be fairly ignorant to think there is zero interference, there is...to what extent, who knows. But the accusation is, Mr. Dong told the Chinese to not release the prisoners because it would help the PCs. How? I haven't really been able to find an answer to that. And I know, that would be part of the enquiry. But they ain't cheap and I don't see how the liberals benefit from holding one. Regardless of the results.
  4. From what I saw/heard from him. He asked the tough questions and tried to hold the leaders accountable. particularly when it came to finances etc.
  5. good job firing back. But not a chance in hell am I going to believe there's no scratch your back, you scratch mine, type of deal going on there should the opportunity arise. Especially if like they said they have decades of friendship. I wouldn't believe it from the PCs and I don't buy it from him.
  6. I liked PP before he took over the leadership spot honestly, well outside of the fact that he's a career politician which imo shouldn't be allowed. But since taking over the leadership spot he's devolved into essentially a political troll. He doesn't put anything forward. He walks the line when it comes to interacting with some questionable figures. And he blames things on people/systems that any career politician should know aren't responsible (I believe that he does know these things, but chooses language to increase rage against others). Or he says things like "I'm going to run for Prime minister" Which I know looks like it's nitpicky....but I see it as pushing an american style of governance on people who are likely very confused about OUR system. And I can't support anything like that. I've been anti america since clinton. He's also starting to lean in on the drag show stuff, which is just so absurd. And while this isn't completely related to PP alone, it certainly pertains to the people who will be voted in for him to win....but what I'm seeing around that topic (drag queens/trans) is strikingly similar to closeted politicians screaming and yelling about gay marriage all the while having secret same sex relationships. I don't want to say we have a bunch of child molesting politicians...but...if history has taught us anything...
  7. As a PP supporter, can you point to 1 single policy change/update/addition/subtraction that you think will improve lives in the country? Ideally with how it will improve life...as in don't just say he will defund the CBC, and not explain why that would be good etc. I'm not trying to be a smart ass or catch you. I'm honestly interested in why you think the PCs under PP will be an improvement. As I have yet to see anything other than "Jt bad" "cbc bad" "more freedom" from them/him.
  8. Ill admit that the things i read about the business could very well have been due to its infancy. If you don't think the members of the chamber lean heavily to the right, you may be interested In this bridge I have for sale. It was originally built to cross the mighty Nile!! It could be yours for a small price or only a few monthly installments!
  9. I actually agree with you here. I'd like to see the video (which apparently does exist). The MPs saying it was overblown are from the NDP. I'm guessing there was some altercation with some cussing and not so nice pleasantries. And maybe a rough letting go of the handshake...like kinda a toss down of it. And that's what's being turned into a violent shove that left khan shaking!! The PCs really have to be careful with accusations though. There was the one about paying nurses to quit. The ridiculous one about the feds saying they'd take away resource control from the provinces and now potentially this....
  10. I believe there were reports that the business was struggling and then like magic 500k showed up from the grant...then Khan was a big PC supporter after years of not publicly endorsing anyone. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
  11. Apparently there is a video....? I haven't been able to find it though. Heard that other MPs there said the exchange has been blown out of proportion though.
  12. They didn't pay him directly. But that 500k his failing business got is questionable at best.
  13. You have to be a next level idiot to do something like this and not have some kind of knowledge on how to secure your identity. I'll be surprised if he ever sees the light of day again.
  14. I didn't take the collaros and scheon comparison to be like for like....just a comparison of how well the two would work together in a short amount of time.
  15. One thing that always gets missed too, in regards to the use of the emergency act. Is the blatant stock piling of explosive material outside a federal parliament. It was diesel and propane, which obviously the convoy would need to keep going...but I think anyone would be hard pressed to find any government in the world that would be ok with a group who stated what they stated, stock piling those things that close to a federal government building. Even if their intentions were peaceful. No chance in hell would that happen anywhere near the white house etc.
  16. Honestly I don't want to say I felt bad for him...but its clear that he's a young person who has eaten up a lot of the BS presented to him, without ever hearing the other side of things. Hopefully he learned something and actually looks into the things he thinks he believes in.
  17. Exactly. Ask any PC voter or try to get an answer from an actual PC member about HOW they'll accomplish changing the things they complain about and it's crickets...they will 100% not be putting out policy before the election either. The two previous PC leaders didn't. I have a buddy who told me PP will make us more fre....I ask how...he said we'll be able to buy hand guns...even he knew that was a ridiculous statement.
  18. Fiscal irresponsibility like the Harper government running 10 straight years of deficit? The same harper government PP was proudly a part of? This whole idea that a modern federal government can run a modern country without debt is utterly insane. It's actually not possible at all. You're being fed a lie that is being told to fire up your emotions. The PCs will 100% spend as much if not more than the liberals, but it will go to private hands. I dislike tax hikes as well...but whether they want to admit or not, the Boomer generation, made that an inevitably for us. Taxes will 100% be going up regardless of who is in power. The only real difference is where that money ends up. PP is an actual leach. He's not an average guy. He's never held a job like you have. He's never had to worry about how he's going to pay bills after his pay check comes in like many Canadians have, including myself. I honestly don't see how anyone could think he's the better option. I promise things will get worse in Canada in every category you mentioned (identity politics, fiscal responsibility, taxes) if his PC party wins. Also here's a funny video. This kid tried, but failed.
  19. How much experience do you have in helping people get over substance abuse?
  20. https://www.cfl.ca/2023/04/11/morris-lawler-zeroes-in-on-legacy-with-bombers/ "The culture is unbelievable. I don’t have to question anybody’s motives in the locker room."
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