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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. If our O "fell apart" because of one import receiver getting injured....what does this tell us?
  2. Sure, but "game manager Nichols" didn't make bad decisions, or throw a lot of picks - and also engineered a fair amount of 4th Q comebacks. This junk, we have got the last month or so....won't win against any teams - and hasn't.
  3. Pretty hard to "coach" around that.
  4. 11 Tds 12 Ints on the year. Brutal.
  5. Nichols has sure put the ball more into double coverage, this year. Crazy really.
  6. Asking defenders to miss tackles, quarterbacks to miss passes, and receivers not to get open and catch the ball.....should be a correctable thing, no?
  7. Hell, everybody liked Loffler better.....when he was a visible, play making part of the D....doling out big hits, picking off passes etc. But watching him this year - just not making any plays, and his lack of range is problematic, in terms of over the top help for anybody, back there. Like watching a ball rolling right off the table.
  8. Sure. Who wants to hear any more of this stuff about how we are better than our record, almost there, as good as anyone, etc, etc. Prove it.
  9. If (and I think he will) Nichols starts.....it will be interesting to see how the entire O responds around Matt.....as I think we are on the cusp......of a comeback or a slide right into the abyss. Anything resembling the Banjo bowl first half, would probably put paid, to Nichol's tenure as a starter, round these parts. Which given his past status, and current coin.....would be awkward indeed.
  10. Would of been different if a bunch of Americans had been killed. (sic)
  11. Wouldn't think of booing. However this does not preclude cursing, glaring, shaking of head, and copious consumption of gin......
  12. You at least had the good sense to keep ellipsis out of the above content..... Therefore, I officially approve of this message.
  13. 2 pages on Alex Ross. This pretty well defines 'slow day"
  14. Well, if Nichols gets the start....there better be a leash attached.....
  15. Hopefully people will not spontaneously combust......when MOS starts Nichols against Montreal.
  16. If we didn't fire Burke during the season.....we sure as hell are not firing MOS.
  17. For me it's outright blowing these winnable games.....over and over again. Like being just about to take a gulp, then finding nothing in the glass.
  18. In this kind of scenario.....others will walk the plant before MOS.
  19. Wolitarsky and Petermann don't even count as problems. Great assets moving forward. Try mediocre imports at R, injuries on OL, and average to bad starting QB play for 5 weeks.
  20. No backwards look is cast Know the future is bright Better than the record Delusion leads to foolishness
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