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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. I gather Davis was unremarkable in WPG ?
  2. How come Riderfans put on the cone of silence over Dimebag Duron's comments on Roosevelt and TSN ? Criticisms getting spiked or are fans afraid to violate the current orthodoxy that Carter adds fun and character to the team and league.?
  3. Mason's lucky he didn't hit a woman, praise Trump or say the wrong thing about anthem kneeling or 3rddownnation would be using far stronger adjectives than "troubled". Then they would be after the Riders hard. Only so much a woke journalist can do with Masons laundry list.
  4. Much of it his fault but since he hasnt been playing his detractors have dictated the conversation and created the impression of a washed up, selfish jerk. By all accounts, even 3rddownnation whom invested a lot in the jerk theory, have had to admit he hasnt been. All evidence points to Manziel doing the necessary things a QB hopeful has to do to progress. Impossible to predict what he will do when lights come on. But if he flops it wont be from a lack of desire. HAM has it tough out of the gate and many are assuming losses could pile up but until I see exactly how good or bad they are I wont pr3dict when Manziel gets to play
  5. With an undisclosed injury to Vernon Adams Manziel vaults into second string. His upward trajectory, mirage or not, has been compelling.
  6. Priders pressing panic button over QB depth
  7. Dimebag Duron. If youre TSN/CFL do you really want to hitch your hype wagon to this guy? Feels like hes always a week away from doing or saying something assinine. For gawds sake dont make this clown the face of the league no matter how many big plays.
  8. "Pfft. I'll sit out camp. That'll showcase my abilities for sure. They're gonna be sorry"
  9. TSN needs competition. Maybe because the league is so small and so much of TSN/League's energy is devoted to getting cozy with players in return for access but sometimes broadcasts come accross as a sewing circle...clucking praise with oh so gentle criticism. Maybe with a competitor there could be a little more sandpaper and call out league BS and jackass players when needed.
  10. I liked Schultz. He knew his stuff but like so many in the industry in order to sound more intelligent he tortured the english language when simple language was sufficient.
  11. Panel has beeen stale for years. Clever move with Bierness . Network can virtue signal with a woman in a mans sport as an offering to the cult of diversity whilst offering sex appeal to those who still place importance on feminine beauty. Wont miss Schultz's "in the sense that..." 40 times a week.
  12. Hard to imagine Manziel being more than the third QB. Simply not enough time to learn and no quality reps ....yet
  13. It's not the off season. Camps open this week
  14. He could flame out in camp and story evapourates by opening day. But if he doesnt.... how on earth does he get the reps to progress without robbing Masoli ? As a fan im not against him in theory but I want to know what the plan is.
  15. Camps opening this weekend. Technically I dont know if it s the end of the off season but it sure feels like it. Nice thread, boys. Drive safely.
  16. This just in... Alouettes have found a tent manufacturer to make a pair of pants to fit Nik Lewis....retirement on hold?
  17. Always need people to stand up for freedom of speech and conscience. More people who want to be immune from consequences then wallow in self righteous resentment when the desired outcome isnt reached or universally praised? No, thank you. All booked up.
  18. Pro athletes say a lot of dumb things but thats the most unprofessional public exchange I can recall reading. This guys a piece of work.
  19. The way the league panders to SSK and its fans and a nice story for TSN, it will be in Regina.
  20. Like Bombers wouldnt entertain trade offers for said rights.
  21. Tell me Im not the only one who thinks when and if a team runs into QB trouble at some point this year Durants family condition is repaired at he comes out of retirement....for the the right price.
  22. Revealing interview. Not from Durant of course, Pederson didnt lay a glove on him, getting at the truth wasnt the purpose of the interview, but how Durant used a Rider PR and media tool to get his spin out. If you didnt know or realize what Pederson actually is and what he represents in relation to CFL "journalism" you do now. As for Durant... when reporters virtue signal with "heartless" managment decisions I want Durant cited as a counter balance. It'll never happen I know.
  23. Certainly sounds like he did. Text book says when perp does this cops should do THIS. And they did.
  24. How does Jones/Riders draft so well. "Smart, tough kid who gets it. Ton of upside. Nailed it.". Every draft, every player , every round. Wake up rest of the CFL you dont know what youre doing.
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