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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. I know folks here are scared of Rourke, and that is why we are downplaying him, but wishing for him to fail doesn't magically make it so. BLM time?
  2. Feels like you are trying to will that reality into existence. 😉
  3. Lol at Peters celebrating an underthrown ball hitting him in the noggin.
  4. Don't see how that PI was any different than the Sayles breakup on the CGY drive.
  5. It gets called when Mike Sellers is destroying the Riders and the refs need to invent ways to make the beating stop.
  6. As much as I would like to see him struggle so the media would shut up about it, I have a feeling Rourke lights it up today. Sometimes these storylines just have a way of coming true.
  7. Florida Georgia Line announced as half time show? Not a country fan, but could be worse. Odd, because I swear they broke up. Probably why they were available.
  8. How are ticket sales for next Sunday? Got my first ever Bomber robo call today encouraging me to buy tickets, which I thought was odd.
  9. https://3downnation.com/2022/11/03/cfl-attendance-up-13-percent-from-2021-but-falls-short-of-pre-pandemic-levels/ I mean this with all sincerity: take a ******* bow, Ottawa. Well done.
  10. Surprised you found that under the mountain of Rider articles. Week of the playoffs, and 70% of the articles are about a team that missed them. LOL. Genius sports indeed.
  11. Honestly, shocking. The record is one thing, and I can buy the notion that a good coach is allowed an off year, but this year was an absolute **** show for them. The amount of off field nonsense, coaching mistakes, lack of accountability...it was clear he lost the respect and the ear of the room. That isn't easy to get back. This is an enormous gamble for them.
  12. More from Abbott: apparently TD drives finished by another player dont count. After tonight, Collaros will have been responsible for 37 total touchdowns — all through the air. In 9 1/4 games, Rourke generated 32 combined passing and rushing touchdowns. Frankly, that’s absurd.
  13. 1. Rourke 2. Rourke 3. Farhan HH Rourke's foot Disclaimer: didn't see the game. Just got back from my coaching my son to victory in a hockey tournament! Champs everywhere!
  14. Guys, I did a quick image search and the injury has not been kind to Rourke. I don't think we have anything to worry about.
  15. They were literally interviewing Gillingham's campaign and asking them for thoughts on such a disappointing night, with their own numbers showing him leading by 2000. It was surreal.
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