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Posts posted by Jpan85

  1. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/league-of-denial/


    Did anyone else watch?


    The NFL did not come across very well in this documentary. Decades of the denial of concussion based head disorders and the attack on scientist that are better trying to understand what years of head blows are doing to these guys made them look really bad. See what the game did to the bodies of guys like Mike Webster and Junior Seau really makes you questions yourself. Questions like does knowing about the extent, and seriousness of football injuries change how you feel about watching the game? Does it make you less interested? Come into your head.


  2. Bash Selinger and the NDP.  That's fine.  But not entirely relevant here.  The next Premier is going to want the same thing or something similar. .   


    Look, we all knew that loan was never getting paid back.  It was only a matter of how long would they continue the charade and what would happen at the end.  well this is the beginning of the end game.  It might take 5 years to settle but the idea that the team would pay back $4 mill a year for the next generation and a half was always stretching the bounds of reason. 

    Paul Wiecek ‏@PaulWiecek  5m 


    Breaking - Bombers will make all loan payments in 2013; Wade Miller to Freep: "The WFC is on target to meet its financial obligations." #bn




    Looks like the rumours are wrong.


    Ticats.ca Staff



    The Hamilton Tiger-Cats, the CFL, the CFLPA and Chris Williams have reached a settlement of all outstanding matters.



    Effective immediately, Mr. Williams is free to attempt to sign with an NFL team. Should Mr. Williams decide that he wants to play in the CFL for the 2013 and 2014 seasons, he has entered into an agreement to play for Hamilton.


    Would be funny if he does not get a NFL tryout and has to crawl back to the Ti-Cats.

  4. I guess every team can now call Winnipeg in pursuit of the first pick overall. The next question is why does a team waste their time negotiating with people who may not be in a position to even make a trade at the end of the season?

    second overall pick

    Reilley better change the way he plays or his brains will be like scrambled eggs. The hit was vicious but he put himself  in that position  so it has to be on him to take care of himself.


    The Esks have the luxury of two QB masterminds currently looking for work - Mike Kelly and Gary Crowton - capable of designing packages and coming up with plays to make sure Reilly is more protected from now on.  Oh the surfeit of riches of available talent!


    They might of won a couple of games with Mike Kelly and his propensity for having his quarterbacks under centre.



    Parking on campus has been disappointing to say the least. Especially now that they have cut back on spots.  There are very few options to park within a 10 minute walk, and if it's more than that, you might as well just find a place on Pembina to park anyways. 

    I've only been to two games but both times were were just across the street from the stadium, perhaps a 3 minute walk.



    You must have had a different colour pass.  Was it a season pass?  Curious, where were your seats?


    I park at the Soccer complex its only few minutes from the gate to the lot.


    A prime example of good running backs not being a dime a dozen, they have Sheets instead of Garrett, they score.


    Good runningbacks ARE a dime a dozen.  Great ones are harder to come by.  Regardless, there is no saying that if they had Sheets in there that they would have scored.  Horrible play call. 


    Yes no guarantee even with Sheets we were able to stop him on the goal line.

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