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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. It still looks like my seat is high and dry
  2. At least they have two really high end prospects coming up with Hellebuyke and Comrie
  3. Got to love a election year. Let the finger pointing begin.
  4. 90% of goalies can put two good games back to back. The only true test is 60-70 games over a season. He probably needs a season in St. John just get used to being the main man. Might be tough with all the good goalie prospect that the Jets have to get enough time for all of them.
  5. Would they not have noticed water getting last year. I know the building was not totally finished but would of been to the point where they could of seen water enter it. Probably not a issue in a normal weather year.
  6. Hogan and Hogue make the team pure pandemonium
  7. Here is a great article from San Fransisco Gate from 2011 when Wylie was in Oakland http://www.sfgate.com/raiders/tafur/article/Raiders-coach-Bob-Wylie-boosts-offensive-line-2328642.php#page-2
  8. Something is happening in BC guys can't get out of there fast enough. Have they all had enough with Wally?
  9. Its a real coup to get a guy who is best at coaching that position on either side of the boarder. Can't wait for him to start coaching up guys like Pencer and Swiston who have a lot of potential.
  10. Looking at it more and more it would make sense for Ottawa to trade back. Acquire a pick in next years draft.
  11. That could be said about almost every CFL player that has come from the NFL.
  12. McRath looks like a promising prospect for the MLB spot.
  13. I try my best everyday to water down the green Kool-Aid
  14. It's Nate he will never set foot in the place but take pot shots at liberty.
  15. If you told anyone to walk in tour the stadium who did not know how much it cost and ask them how much it cost I think a lot of people would be guess higher than $210 million.
  16. CFL interest is down because in all likelihood will be drafted in the NFL draft.
  17. They had to do a whole bunch of upgrades to winterize the University of Minnesota field for the Vikings. To me the winterization issue is not a big deal.
  18. Bogosian played a hell of a lot better when Maurice took over.
  19. The 2016 question had nothing to do with having a competitive team it had to do with if the construction on the convention centre would be done in time.
  20. They are going to have 21 million of cap space going into the offseason.
  21. I can't wait for Petan. Everytime I have seen the Portland Winterhawks over the past couple years he has been the best player on the ice. A good steal in the second round.
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