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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Bastien was hurt in practice this week. So more than likely Hadria is on 46.
  2. Angle going to be paired with American Alpha when he returns.
  3. https://fantasy.tsn.ca/bellmedia/cfl16_en/home
  4. I have created a group for the forum on the TSN weekly fantasy game name is MBB password is Football have to check if we have a prize for this the guys but we will let you know.
  5. Alrighty with the preseason done and the regular season only a few short days away its time to start the Lock of the Week contest. Rules are pretty simple. 1. Every week you must pick a player that will score a touchdown. Passing touchdowns don't count. Receiving, rushing, return (interception, fumble, punt and kick) count as a TD 2. There is no limit to the amount you can pick a player. If you want to pick Darvin Adams every week than you can. 3. If you fail to correctly pick then you acquire a strike. If you correctly pick you do not pick up a strike. 4. If you miss making a pick for the week you will acquire a strike. 5. All picks must be made before kickoff of the team that your selected player is playing in. 6. 5 strikes and you are out of the game. 7. Last one remaining or the one with the least strikes at the end of the year wins. 8. In the highly unlikelihood that teams are tied at the end of the year. The winner will be the player who has selected the most different players thought the year. Winner will receive a yet to be determined prize. Place your picks for week one below.
  6. To get on PR you need to be released then you are asked if you want to accept invitation to it.
  7. They both declined their practice roster invites and were free agents
  8. For you draftkings players looks like CFL will be on site now
  9. Its just a matter of time before Franklin is in Regina when the chance comes up.
  10. I highly doubt the Willy thing. I have info even when he was with the Riders he was one of the most respected guys on the team.
  11. Cant see any more Canadians cut outright.
  12. With 1 game and 6 game injury list plus the 10 man practice roster list. Wonder how many guys are gone for good out of the 21 left they have to cut to get to the 46.
  13. Heard he also wants to get down to around 300 lbs too.
  14. From Corney's journal today
  15. Not football but maybe one of the best angry coach/manger (NSFW)
  16. Can you tell me exactly how they are not different?
  17. Was interesting that in 2014 the 71 sacks they gave up 26 were Oline fault.
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