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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. That would be a very quality hire. Wonder if Wylie helped in connecting MOS with him.
  2. Walters and O'Shea did a hour on H and L yesterday. They asked who they brought in last year that was on PR will step up this year. Said that Nick Temple will be a household name by the end of the year. Also mentioned Kieran Duncan in the same light.
  3. I would wait till camp is over before I would do anything with Neufeld
  4. I would take Flanders out and put Will Smith in.
  5. None of Argos management in TO at a league meeting in Las Vegas according to Lawless. Sooo...
  6. When you look up professional in the dictionary you see picture of Clarence.
  7. I am open if anyone is interested in likes for cash agreement. Bump up those numbers.
  8. Spergon Wynn would be one the other I guess it would be Tee Martin.
  9. This has to be the most cringe worthy headline I have seen a long time.
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