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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. centre field about halfway up to me is the best. You're high enough to see what's going on on the field and obviously the middle of the field you can see the whole thing well enough.
  2. and, Canada thanks you Jean Chretien for declining to involve us in that. Chretien didnt decline for any insightful reason other than politics. The Liberals think the problem in the middle east is those pesky Jews and the terrorists wouldnt be terrorists if only we'd leave them alone. The are many differences between middle east strife and WWII, namely the religious aspect. But a lot of people wanted to "not get involved" back then too. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty because it's the right thing to do. The mistake the US made in iraq was thinking the people there would embrace their own democracy. They were wrong. But a lot of people forget the Iraqi people's reaction when the US marched into Baghdad, which was throngs of people waving the US flag and cheering the allies. It was the vaccum that was left after Saddam was defeated that led to issues. The Iraqi people shot themselves in the foot. That's partly true... in a sense. The winners after WW2 just deciding to carve out a Jewish state in the middle east and telling the region to deal with it is a big part of the problem. All of the major world religions have their holy sites in the same places and now one group just comes in and says "ours now, rest of you **** off" How did anyone think that would turn out?
  3. In this day and age seems a silly thing to get worked up about. Kids today are raised on the internet, you can see a hell of a lot more if you choose to. I never quite understood the puritanical view of the human body. Just doesn't make sense. Hell they've had the same kind of exposure for men too. When they do their body issue they have all the male athletes doing the same kind of **** to show off the abs.
  4. No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. Alberta needs a PST as we haven't enough revenue when oil prices tank like now. I hate taxes but this seems like a no brainer to me, 17. Alberta needed a PST when things were going well. Stick some cash away for a rainy day (like now). Tie it to the price of oil (set annually) so it reduces when oil prices go down and increases when they go up. And then when employment drops as oil price has dropped, use the funds to maintain infastructure and the like. Labour is cheaper (less competition). Now would be a good time to build proper roads to Fort Mack, if they had had the foresight to put money aside for it. Alberta has a rainy day fund. Trouble is they've mismanaged it. The simple fact is that in the past 10 years the population of Alberta has absolutely boomed. Going from a population of about 3 million to 4 million is a huge influx of people and the way King Ralph ran things prioritizing getting out of debt rather than keeping up with infrastructure spending has left the province with a deficit of infrastructure and they gotta spend now to build it. There is a ton of spending going on in Alberta and has been for a while now. They used the money to pay for it rather than investing in the rainy day fund so what's really the difference? People like to talk about Norway and their huge wealth fund, but what's going to happen when Norways oil is used up? They going to just have the government pay everyone rather than have them involved in the production of oil? No matter how much money Alberta put away in a rainy day fund when the oil is gone it's gone and the province will need a diversified economy. They can do it though, there's a highly skilled and educated workforce there and a business friendly environment. It will adapt as oil become less viable.
  5. Yeah it's all about ego, notice how that post mimics the idea that this place has? He knows everyone fled his sinking ship, but people don't go back to old places they left just because the guy got with the times, he's going to have to offer hookers and blow to really get people back.
  6. So then I really can't figure out how Glenn has lasted this long. Other than people thinking that Kevin Glenn 2015 is still KG 2007, which he isn't.Or, crazy thought here, you're selling Glenn short because of a personal bias against the player he is average at best and this is the CFL. There is a drought at quality qbs Absolutely he is average, but average to some people apparently means bad. You can do worse at backup than Kevin Glenn and the Bombers have done worse since basically Kevin Glenn was a backup here there first time, that's a decade. Hell they've done worse than Kevin Glenn as a starter for most of the last decade too. Yes, you can do a lot worse than Kevin Glenn, but you can also do better too. Maybe the Bombers have decided that settling for mediocre and hoping for the best is one of the rasons we've been so bad for so long? Is it possible that maybe they see a higher potential upside with the people we had here last year? For most of the past decade mediocre would be an upgrade at qb so don't give me that crappy argument.
  7. You'd think that Bomber fans would be the last people this needs to be explained to....
  8. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. They backed Saddam at one point because he could control the country, they trained and supplied and backed folks like Bin Laden in the past because they were willing to fight the soviets. So much **** in the world is related to the cold war. But hey staying and occupying is smarter than coming in and wrecking **** then leaving them to fend for themselves. That's how you get radicals and crazy people in power. They lack the will to stick around and make sure the mess gets cleaned up. It's not that they don't understand these people, that's an argument without a lot of thought put in. It really is a matter of lacking the full commitment to go into a place and stay until the job is actually done. You're going to conquer a place you best stick around to establish the new regime or else someone better armed and more blood thirsty will seize power.
  9. you can't develop a QB without giving him playing time. If it wasn't for Brohm getting injured last year, Marve probably wouldn't have seen the field at all. That's absolutely false. Especially in the CFL. What do you mean? Players need to be put in game situations eventually. Sure, young players usually need to be eased in at a slower pace but it certainly doesn't hurt that Marve got into some real game action last year. Do you honestly think that his development would've been hampered had he taken the few extra reps that Brohm got last year? I'm not saying Marve should be the starter or anything, just that he should be given the backup role if he shows to be more competent than everyone else at his position. Key word in bold. We don't even have to go very far to see what rushing a qb can do... Tito Sunshine in Saskatchewan last year. Showed well as a third stringer in limited action, failed as a #2 when the starter got hurt and he had to go in. Riders and Sunseri would have both been better off if he'd stayed at #3 last year.
  10. So then I really can't figure out how Glenn has lasted this long. Other than people thinking that Kevin Glenn 2015 is still KG 2007, which he isn't.Or, crazy thought here, you're selling Glenn short because of a personal bias against the player he is average at best and this is the CFL. There is a drought at quality qbs Absolutely he is average, but average to some people apparently means bad. You can do worse at backup than Kevin Glenn and the Bombers have done worse since basically Kevin Glenn was a backup here there first time, that's a decade. Hell they've done worse than Kevin Glenn as a starter for most of the last decade too.
  11. Still too close to call how it's going to shake down. I will say with certainty though that Winnipeg will finish anywhere from 1st to 5th in the west this year.
  12. So then I really can't figure out how Glenn has lasted this long. Other than people thinking that Kevin Glenn 2015 is still KG 2007, which he isn't. Or, crazy thought here, you're selling Glenn short because of a personal bias against the player
  13. You can't develop a QB without giving him playing time. If it wasn't for Brohm getting injured last year, Marve probably wouldn't have seen the field at all. yeah you can. Especially when they've only had one year in the CFL. What you want isn't developing a player, you want to rush a player and hope he's an instant hit. Experience matters and Brohm has more than Marve at this point.
  14. Big deal. But how was that new field financed? Was it done with help from the Esks at all with the condition that a game gets played there? There's a lot of people in Fort Mac temporarily who live in Calgary or Edmonton, this is probably just the Esks trying to make sure that market spends their non cocaine disposable income on the CFL as opposed to other sports. No one is thinking of putting a CFL team in Fort McMurray, it's all about Edmonton marketing to everyone in norther alberta.
  15. well the whole thing is pretty incorrect. Winning the war is really easy. The problems arise after the battles are all won. See what happens is once the enemy forces are destroyed and the leadership is gone there is a power vacuum and more often than not it gets filled by less than desirable people. If you could still conquer a nation and annex them you'd see a lot less problems but that's not what goes on. They go in win the war then leave the locals to pick up the pieces and that leads to radicals stepping into that power vacuum. It's not about winning a war, it's about having the commitment to stay after it's won.
  16. Now now, that game in Calgary was an ass ugly game in the snow. Sloppy sloppy sloppy. It was a good effort by the Bombers and Marve but it's not like they went and beat a team in great conditions that was firing on all cylinders. This board has a real problem with blowing things out of proportion.
  17. Yeah and what we see is a guy who has managed to stick in the league for a long long time. If he wasn't a decent option at qb he wouldn't have lasted anywhere close to that long. Some of you guys really hate the guy though and constantly downplay what he can accomplish. No one is talking about bringing him in to run the team. A lot of you folks are acting a lot like Mike Kelly did. "Glenn sucks! We'd be better off with this unproven guy!" How'd that work out for everyone?
  18. No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. Alberta needs a PST as we haven't enough revenue when oil prices tank like now. I hate taxes but this seems like a no brainer to me, 17. Oh and I agree, a PST and a progressive income tax rather than a flat tax would do a lot of good, but that's not what the issue is here, the issue is with the lefties who are intolerant of an opinion that is different than theirs.
  19. Homer vote Darvin Adams. I don't consider Cotton to be a potential break out star, in my mind he already showed he was plenty good last year, politics kept him on the bench though.
  20. Funny that you didn't unleash this same logic in the Glenn thread. Because we're talking inexperienced rookies at qb in the Glenn thread. We had experienced OL & they still sucked. Asking a rookie qb with limited experience to carry the team on his back if he has to is just asking for trouble. So apples to oranges. Ummm, no. He's suggesting that these experienced O linemen might not live up to expectactions. That their performance might not be all that we're hoping for. Which is the same sort of logic that could be applied to Glenn, that maybe he wouldn't be the savior of the season if he played. Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread, but the irony was just too good to pass up. What irony? Having more faith in an experienced and proven qb over an inexperienced one? Did I say I didn't think the OL was improved? No I just said let's wait for them to prove it before we start calling them best in the league because it takes 5 guys working together for an OL to be good. Tempering expectations has nothing to do with thinking Glenn is a better option at #2 qb for the short term than Marve. Go chug another glass of haterade and keep on hating on Glenn. Fact is he's still a decent qb for all his warts.
  21. No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend.
  22. And just for the record, I didn't say don't be optimistic, I said temper expectations. Talk of league best before even starting training camp? with 3 new faces? That's jumping the gun. Wait until they show it before we make claims about best in the league or top 3 or whatever.
  23. Oh please. The middle east is such a mess and has been for a long time because the global powers started arbitrarily dividing the place up putting factions on opposite sides into countries together and expecting to to work. The whole area has been getting attacked and conquered for centuries and used as pawns in global power games and you're saying it's the americans alone? Come on now. After 9/11 Have things got better since the Yanks went and attacked these countrys? Dont seem so. These countrys and people need to figure things out alone without interference from others. Did things get better after the crusades? After the Mongols sacked everything they could? After the western powers started drawing arbitrary lines to make countries? The place has been unstable since long before 9/11. Trying to pin this entirely on Americans shows a frighteningly short sided view of the history of the region and why it's in the state it is. Yes America has it's share of responsibility, but you made the claim saying it was all their fault and that is completely incorrect.
  24. I know everyone is all hot and bothered by Marve right now, but he's not the first young qb to come in and be able to catch teams by surprise with his ability to run and improvise. Often times those players go through an adjustment period as teams know what they can do and take away their running options forcing them to beat them with their arms. If they can get Glenn at a reasonable price as the backup you absolutely do it. How many qbs have the Bombers rushed before they were ready and left dead or dying in the ditch behind them? There is no downside to Glenn as a backup. He's a veteran who can come in and win games if you need him to. He got the Stamps to the Grey Cup only a couple years ago, he got the Bombers to the Grey Cup in 2007. It's not like he's never won playoffs games. He isn't the guy to take a team on his shoulders and do it all by himself, but he is a guy that will play to the level of the team around him. His playoffs experience is pretty much identical to Henry Burris and so many people were screaming to get Burris here last season.
  25. Fort Mac is likely money related. I'm sure someone is paying up for that. Too bad they picked a bad year to be doing it.
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