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Posts posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Buchko in his apology press conference referenced a "touchdown song" that the Bombers are going to play after every touchdown.  When I went to a Seahawks game last year, I noticed that they had a TD song as well, and it was used to great effect.  Their song kind of went like this song from Macklemore:




    Especially at the 4:30 mark.  The song would go "NA NA NA NA NAH" and the crowd would sing "HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY".  It was awesome.  I hope that the Bombers have found something equally as effective.

  2. Is the team going 6-10 again?  Because if so, yes I'll find something else to whine about. 


    I hope Jade does as well as you all think he will. 


    at this point, I have an incredibly open mind.  I don't know if he'll do well or tank. But at least you guys could do the same, and give the kid a chance.  All the pissing and moaning about JE over the past two years has been ridiculous.  You guys just constantly set yourselves up for a fall.

  3. I really hope Jade Etienne becomes the Manitoba posterboy for why people need to shut up and let development run it's course before trying to label a guy a bust.


    Good luck with that.  Even if Jade becomes a Hall of Fame receiver, the same whiners will always find a reason to whine about something.  It's called chronic inability to ever see a bigger picture.

  4. The Okanagan Sun just signed some behemoth O-Lineman from Winnipeg, it was in the papers last month...


    Wengelinski graduates from Vincent Massey High School Trojans in Winnipeg this spring. Ryan is the first player from that school to suit up for the Sun

    The 6-foot-4, 325-pounder was the top offensive lineman for his club and a conference all-star in Manitoba this past season.

    Ryan says that his experience at  Sun spring camp and the history of other players from Winnipeg in the Okanagan made his decision to travel 2,000 kilometres for football a relatively easy one.


    “I wasn’t sure about playing here when I came to town, I really thought of it as just another recruiting visit. But after seeing camp, and how everything was run, how we were treated by the coaches, directors and other players…everyone made us feel really welcome,"  Wengelinski said. "It doesn’t hurt that Kelowna is one of the most beautiful places in Canada."




    Potential future Bomber?

  5. Funny, when Jones was DC in Calgary he never blitzed much. But same thing, his DL did things that other teams didn't. His defensive schemes were complex. Calgary was near or at the bottom in 2011 for qb sacks sacks. When he left to to go to the Argos only a handful of Stampeder defensive players were sad to see him go. 


    and wasn't Calgary also leading the league in cheap shots at the time Jones was there too?  No coincidence.

  6. Why does Buck get a pass from Burke being upset with the vets? Somebody call in and ask him.


    because Buck doesn't go on Twitter and make comments about Mack?  Because Buck plays the way Crowton asks him too and accepts the responsibilities given him without complaining?  Because Buck is a leader?  Because Buck didn't get busted with pot in the off-season and didn't tell the team?

  7. If I was a smart coach I wouldn't of let myself get into this situation.    A smart coach would of axed Buck and kept Elliott and then have an open competition and hopefully Hall or  Goltz steps up and takes the job.


    a smart coach who wanted to get fired maybe.  Keep Elliot - yeah don't think so.

  8. What I don't understand is why resign a guy in the offseason and then turn around and say he's lost a step when you cut him. If this about his legal troubles then this is BS.


    IMO, the way Burke has been talking to the media all camp, it was like he had his mind made up he was going to cut a vet before camp even started. Too bad he cut the wrong one.

    LOL!  The wrong one? One of those other vets that got busted for pot and didn't disclose it?

  9. Jones is a good coordinator. However he's teams play unethically and take way to many cheap shots. CFL needs to start fineing that team and Jones for the good of the game.


    the league might as well just write the cheques for the fines, as the money the Argos pay for the fines is just going to go right back to them for their annual bail-out anyway.

  10. I'd say the Argos were trying to force the Bombers into revealing more of their protection packages by going after our QB's and I'm glad that Burke and Crowton didn't fall for it and get into a **** swinging match with them in a meaningless preseason game.


    Great point!  I can't believe all the pissing and moaning on the other site about how bad we looked.  A certain idiot clown is already asking for Burke's head, if you can believe it. It's a pre-season game for goodness sakes.  The best strategy is to not reveal very much if anything in the pre-season about your playbook. It's about evaluating the guys you have while bullets (albeit rubber) are flying.  If the other teams want to win the pre-season Grey Cup they are welcome to it.

  11. I'd like to see a two-QB system, where if Buck goes two-and-out a few times, we throw in Goltz to mix it up.  It worked great against the Arblows in that game where we kicked their sorry asses - we brought in Brink for a series and he just sneaked his way all the way down the field while the Argo defence just stood there bewildered.  It's good to throw in a guy here and there to throw off the defence, especially if the guy that's in doesn't get a rhythm going.

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