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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Outside of Calvillo and Ray, none of the CFL starters are always accurate. Certainly not Glenn, Burris, or Durant.
  2. The missed field goal and the safety they conceded...that 5 point swing right there.
  3. Surely there's an American tackle out there SOMEWHERE who could at least push Boatman.
  4. If the team starts winning...why would anyone have a problem with them staying?
  5. Dunno, haven't had my spinach
  6. It's not just losing and you bloody well know it. He went from running a high octane attack to literally getting killed on the field.
  7. And I like the fact that people respond well when they're challenged, instead of getting defensive.
  8. I don't blame him at all. He went from having incredible protection to literally getting destroyed on the field. At times its been obvious that he was taking matter into his own hands and calling his old plays, then offense looked good for a while. Heck, even Payton Manning whines when he gets hit too much.
  9. But the only problem was keeping him healthy...they win when he plays...no...wait...
  10. First someone has to stuff the Riders' running game. Sheets and their OL are keeping the D off the field right now. I dare say the key to beating that team is still forcing Durant to throw.
  11. Those running plays in the second half were mostly due to our DL getting manhandled at the point of attack. Any team that relies on their DBs to stop the run or get pressure on the QB is in pretty serious trouble, no matter how bloody big they are.
  12. I could tell you...but then I'd have to kill you...promptly
  13. You think he'd be calling them immature if they were 3 - 1? Perhaps he needs to invest in a book cliches...
  14. Yep, but at least someone other than me is contacting the company. At this point they're the only organization that has even attempted to help...I've e-mailed several.
  15. That's the plan...I've also sent strongly worded e-mails and letters. Ironically for them, they've only got my school extension number. They won't even get my voice mail if they try calling over the summer. That and a bit of annoyance from the BBB might be enough to shut them up.
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