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Posts posted by Mike

  1. the biggest problem for pierce with his WRs is that he is not accurate with them down the sidelines at all or if it's just an out he tosses up a lot of freebies for the dbs to break on, he nearly had one picked last game throwing to the sidelines. He is much better at going deep to the SBs, Edwards in particular. Honestly I just think Pierce and Matthews just don't have any chemistry at all. Matthews did a lot of his best stuff with Brink or Elliott in the game last season. With Pierce it was usually Edwards who was seeing more balls. 


    He's developed better chemistry with Justin Palardy on those sideline attempts.


    That's who he's been throwing to most of the time, right?

  2. Then no offence, you should probably stop watching football or pay more attention. It is VERY easy to blame just the QB. It was quite clear, to me anyway that, while Buck had a very poor game, there is much more plaguing this team at the moment.


    I personally pay plenty of attention, as I'm sure you also do. I guess we're just seeing different things.


    I see a QB who locks on to his initial read almost exclusively.

    I see a QB who is so unaware of pressure that he'll take six sacks but will go an entire game without throwing a single ball away.

    I see a QB who has problems spotting any openings in the intermediate portions of the field.

    I see a QB who cannot utilize a screen pass to save his life.

    I see a QB who is overthrowing, underthrowing and failing to lead his receivers into passes.

    I see a QB who struggles to recognize any blitz tendencies whatsoever.

    I see a QB who is unable to inspire ANY faith that we can come from behind when trailing late in a game.

    I see a QB who seems to patch together one quarter of good play a game and then disappear for the balance.

    I see a QB who is finding different ways to lose every week as opposed to finding different ways to win.


    But since I'm curious, what do you see from Buck? I'm not saying there are not other problem areas with this offense. I'm saying the most important position on the field is failing us right now and in a big way.

  3. Disagree Mike. Buck has NEVER turned the ball over as much as Joey did. It's one thing to struggle, its another to game in and game out (except for games against Hamilton and Montreal) to be a complete turnover machine. Buck is a problem right now, but he has a successful track record as a starter, and there is obviously a reason Burke is sticking with him.


    Buck's 3 turnovers on our side of the field in week 1 were more problematic than any of Joey's turnover filled games.

  4. Matthews certainly hasn't been impressing - I just see Johnson as being another guy who has been making clear mistakes weekly - this coming after I was defending his place on the team last week.  Just saw him blow his coverage for BIG gains twice last game... it's never acceptable to give up a 61 yrd td.


    Although after the TD to Giguere he looked back at someone else in the D like he thought someone wasn't where they were supposed to be... did he expect help over the top on that play?


    Cauchy bit on the low receiver when he should've helped pursue Giguere.


    At least, that's what Jovon thought. I'm not sure what the coverage dictated.

  5. I know Buck isn't the only problem and I know that for the most part, Tim Burke is not an idiot. I do however, question if Burke's comments are based on an unbiased opinion on Buck's play or is just him ignoring Buck's shortcomings that have been visible for some time if not becoming more prominent. History has shown us that Burke is a zero-tolerance kind of coach to everyone, with one exception. He completely threw Joey Elliott under the bus last year and rightfully so since it was after an atrocious game. Why is he so cautious to say the same things about Buck? I wish I could make sense of it but I can't.


    That's the one thing I keep going back to as well. He never supported Joey and as soon as Joey struggled, Burke was uber quick to throw him under the bus. He's always supported Buck and I think it's fair to say at this point that Buck is struggling just as much as Joey ever did at his worst, yet Burke keeps handling Buck with kid gloves.

  6. Replacements for Parker, would Dexter Davis be a fit was looking he is actually a little lighter than Parker.


    I was wondering this as well. Davis seems like a pretty flexible guy you could plug in on the field, but I'd imagine Wild will be the first guy they look at.

  7. Yeah but as a returner you dont really need to learn a whole lot, other than there's no fair catch, and the rouge.


    Actually, looking at him (as more of a long term Project) he looks like he'd make a sick RB. He's very well built for the position, Strong enough for pass blocking, Sick speed for running outside. And he'd obviously be very good at catching the ball out of the backfield.


    Here's a good vid




    Sure you do.


    You need to be on the same page as your coverage, knowing which lanes they're going to attempt to open for you, etc.

  8. I think the fact that we have such a solid defense is going to really force the team's hand. If it was maybe a case where the whole team stunk, the team wouldn't have much pressure coming home to perform well. But fans are able to recognize that with even average quarterbacking, this team could be very good. If Buck Pierce stinks out IG Field over the next two weeks, I have no doubt the boobirds will be out in full force.

  9. The only reason to play Buck at this point is to protect Goltz and/or Hall.


    He offers nothing over and above what they can bring to the table right now. Experience? What difference does experience make when you don't apply any of it to what you do on the field? I watched several replays last night of Buck Pierce getting sacked where you can see him lock onto his initial read and not look at a single thing afterwards, including the defender coming to hit him. Veteran leadership? All he's doing at this point is frustrating our team, at least that's the vibe I get. Our defense must be getting tired of playing the entire second half. Our receivers must be getting tired of seeing balls sail way over their head or off to the side. At one point yesterday, his poor throw forced Isaac Anderson to make a sliding catch over the middle and if he had somehow miraculously been on the mark, Anderson probably turns it upfield for a big gain. Even the throws he completes at this point are awful. Go back and look at the tape. 26 yard completion to Matthews? Awful throw. The huge completion to Etienne on the pump and go? Terrible throw. They're completions, but the balls are not well thrown by any stretch.


    He is simply a god awful QB at this point. Even when he goes an entire game without turning the ball over, he's horrible. He's finding new ways to be horrible every week and I'm just tired of it.

  10. As in Keron Williams?  Well they've got him playing DT this year so he doesn't count anymore.  And I think Bowman is on the decline.


    Either way, Willis is still up there as a pass rusher, we could debate his other capabilities but he can definitely get after the QB.


    Really? You can tell how closely I've watched BC this year.


    But I agree, Willis is one dimensional but that one dimension is top notch.

  11. http://cfl.uploads.mrx.ca/ham/downloads/downloads/2013/07/ticatsdepth-july132013075446.pdf


    Here is Hamilton's depth chart.




    Brown starts at CB for Bucknor

    Harris starts at LB for Parks

    O'Neill starts at RG for Wojt, who shifts over to RT to replace Ingersoll

    Walker starts at RB for Gable

    Marshall starts at DE for Scott


    Interesting that they're starting a 290 pound defensive end and I'm sort of surprised Norwood stayed on the roster after last week.

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