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Everything posted by Rich

  1. You haven’t lost anything. The game just isn’t played.
  2. No point this week for the Edmonton / TO game. It may still be rescheduled. If it does, we will add it to that weeks games. If it is forfeited, then no one gets a point for it and it wouldn't affect the relative standings.
  3. Tough week last week with an average of 1.4 correct picks per person. Picks this week need to be in by Thursday @ 6:30PM. Current standings are below:
  4. The original debate with you on this is there is no such thing as extreme leftism. Which you still do not want to acknowledge. As for the rest of this post, yes we should always find ways to do better. But not at the expense of repeating historical atrocities. Agree there can be a balance between socialism and capitalism in a democracy. This is what I’ve been saying all along. We get in trouble with extremes. As for no form of government, never took you for a libertarian.
  5. Are you proposing that we have found a perfect, ideal form of government with no flaws? Because I have never said that. People are flawed and every form of government will have flaws because people run them. If you are suggesting socialism is perfect and not flawed, it is this exact form of thinking that is so dangerous that leads to communism. Yes, democracy led to Donald Trump. Thankfully it only lasted for 4 years. So while still flawed, I would propose it is the best form of government we've found to date, and his time in office was minimized. Extremism on either side is the problem. You seem to only think extremism on the right is an issue.
  6. But this is the exact danger that extreme left / socialism / communism leads to. You can't simply dismiss it because it isn't your vision of leftist or socialism. By that rationale any person on the right can dismiss any extreme right groups and actions because it no longer fits their definition of conservatism. That is foolish and leads to repeating history. How many examples have there been where the thought was simply "Yeah, but no one has done communism properly, but this time...." The extreme version of the left leads to centralized planning to direct and distribute the production of goods equitably to a society, which cannot be done on a mass scale, and inevitably giving that type of power to limited people will lead to at best corruption and at worse the deaths and starvation of hundreds of millions of people. I have no doubt that every communist state was started with the best of intentions. But those people were dead and killed very early. If you haven't read it, this book is an enlightening read. https://www.amazon.ca/Gulag-Archipelago-Aleksandr-Solzhenitsyn/dp/1843430851/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3C4R8YNGQT7Q7&dchild=1&keywords=alexander+solzhenitsyn&qid=1629513724&sprefix=alexander+s%2Caps%2C209&sr=8-2
  7. This is true for the majority of people though. This is human nature. All of us have said and done stupid things in our 20s but it never used to be on social media forever. “Cancelling” for something you said or did 20 years ago means as a society we no longer allow people to grow or learn. And that is sad because that should be what life is about.
  8. Rich


    I think it will be some time before we understand the full ramifications of long Covid. And yes, it is a real thing. Vaccinated people aren't 100% immune from catching Covid. That has never been advertised. This likely depends on a lot of of factors, but it has been shown that people at most risk of severe Covid ramifications are those with comorbidities. This is very true for people who are worst affected by Covid whether vaccinated or not. Full disclosure that is pure speculation on who is likely still affected. Covid isn't going anywhere. Especially with new strains coming out. We need to figure out how to live with it as a society. At this point, with where we are at and how widely it has spread, I don't expect Covid is going to be completely irradiated any time soon.
  9. Picks this week need to be in by Thursday @ 9:00. Current standings are below:
  10. You need to make your picks in the poll at the top of this thread. Or are you trying to change them?
  11. Everyone can stop replying back to Polar Bear. The troll won’t be back.
  12. First week is always tough with a few upsets last week. Picks this week need to be in by Thursday @ 8:30. Current standings are below:
  13. It has been an extra long off season but CFL football is back for the 2021 edition! Pick 'Ems are also back with the winner taking home a $50 Blue Bomber gift certificate. How do they work? Each week you pick the winners for each CFL game. You get one point for every correct pick. Whoever has the most points at the end of the year wins! Picks will be done through the polling system. Polls close at game start of the first game of the week. I will accept picks for games that have not started yet through PMs if you are late getting them in. Week 1 kicks off with a Grey Cup rematch featuring the Tiger-Cats @ your very own Blue Bombers on Thursday at 7:30 PM. Get your picks in by then!
  14. You need to upload it to a photo sharing site and use their link. https://imgbb.com is one of those sites. There are others.
  15. Rich


    Typically variants will evolve to have a higher infectious rate and a lower mortality rate. It is in the best interest of the virus not to kill the host to perpetuate its own life. Hopefully in time, this proves to be true with Covid as well, and it becomes just another seasonal flu.
  16. Just a couple of examples: https://nhl.nbcsports.com/2018/11/13/tom-wilsons-suspension-reduced-to-14-games-eligible-to-return-immediately/ https://thehockeywriters.com/dennis-wideman-wins-appeal-has-suspension-reduced-to-10-games/
  17. Rich


    In regards to Vaccine passports, how long are those required to enter public spaces? What do you end up doing to people who can’t be vaccinated due to other health concerns? if you are fully vaccinated, with its high efficacy rate, does it really affect you that much if you are in a space with unvaccinated people? People who can be vaccinated need to get off their ass and get vaccinated
  18. Just a reminder that a play like, that is after the whistle and can not even be considered a "hockey play", for a repeat offender in the regular season warrants no suspension and only a $5,000 fine. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nhl/news/tom-wilson-suspension-timeline-history-fines-capitals-penguins-zach-aston-reese/k3plwl8lfkot11flpw7ah3yf7
  19. I wonder if this is a creative way to get the club some money to bridge them through a lost season + without the political back lash that came up when there was discussions about subsidizing the CFL last summer.
  20. There is a whole section dedicated to it in the online store. https://www.thebomberstore.com/grey-cup/
  21. Rich


    I've seen some billboards around the city. Suspect those aren't hugely successful to people who have already made up their mind against them, but it is never a bad thing to have those things mentioned and mentioned often.
  22. Only merged if the posts are made by the same person and no one else has posted since. Pulling this out into its own thread. Curious what everyone's thoughts are on this.
  23. It only merges if they are made within 5 minutes of each other. My question would be why are people creating so many posts within that timeframe that need to be separate?
  24. CFL can’t afford to donate money to campaign contributions and kickback some of those funds.
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