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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 30 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Re watching the Banjo Bowl... **** do I ever hate this Riders team. Like so much. Got half a rager watching Strev bulldoze 3 of those assholes on the big run in that game.... 

    Big Chris..... half raging the masses on the Friday night before the big game on Sunday......  how many new babies gonna be born in wpg this summer 

  2. 2 minutes ago, blue_or_die said:

    I was ignoring this thread because I thought it was unnecessarily crude and childish. I thought we could take the high road.

    Just lurked for 3 mins on riderfans and saw what they were talking about.

    Carry on, my friends. The Rider fans proving time and time again that they are complete classless trash.

    EDIT: They post a ton of memes making fun of Winnipeg for being cold? lol wtf, it's the same climate you idiots.

    There is trashy/funny and there is trashy/stupid...... and there is a LOT of stupid over there for sure....  it's no wonder they kick everyone out,  they can't handle trashy/funny/smart

  3. 2 minutes ago, blue_or_die said:

    Open the flood way because the tears are flowing east down the Assinaboine on Sunday.

    For the second year in a row.

    Did they not open the floodway not too long ago for the first time ever at this time of year ?.....good planning by the Manitoba government people who watch cfl football lol

    4 minutes ago, Booch said:

    yup..guy who went back to get a masters..and working on another...a real meat head....again...that fan base lack of intelligence shining through...again...does it ever end??

    I was gagging by the end of copying this stuff....I can't last 5 minutes reading the stuff over there.... 


    A couple quotes from you know where...... I am so glad I never grew up a rider fans..... Bombers got this one....

    Pretty sure half of Alberta are Rider fans.

    Well, a chimp would be considered smart in Winnipeg.

    Streveler ejected for using horse tranquilizers would probably be a good guess. The guy is a what Archie Bunker would call a meat head. Nothing going on between those ears I'm afraid.


  5. 12 hours ago, 66 Chevelle said:

    but I will say that I like the combo attack of Zach and Chris and even said before the game that I was hoping that Lapo had spent the 2 weeks prior to the game putting together a dynamic game plan featuring them both...  I'm not sure that it was actually dynamic but it did work and hope to see more of it this week...

    I had even suggested they do that with Nichols earlier in the year before he got hurt...

    I suggested it last year.  And got treated very badly. Lol.

  6. 40 minutes ago, JCon said:

    At some point in a young man's life, the thought of a rotary engine sounds very appealing. Some choose to act on this feeling and are punished for doing so. 

    I thought it would make a good rally car on the dirt roads of northern manitoba......one big puddle and a pine tree and it was over.

  7. 1 minute ago, Noeller said:

    What's truly impressive about Strev's running is doing it with Northern Skunk's head jammed that far up there....

    If you haven't noticed Big Chris pretty much has his own bandwagon fired up and filling up fast..... also it's a good thing I aint a whiner eh lol.....


  8. 9 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Agreed, except that if Streveler is going to run like that, you'd sure as spit better have a good backup, cause, he's is gonna get hurt again.

    Question...... why is it more probable that Big Chris is going to get hurt running the ball X amount of times in a game..... as opposed to Andrew Harris getting hurt running the ball ?....... I know the rbs can get hurt as well,  but nobody worries about it as much happening (?) 

  9. 3 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I have hated the Riders with every fibre of my being everyday, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, 52 weeks & 365 days a year ever since that loss. Any day is a great day when the Riders lose. 

    I hope the riders don't see this and put it on their bulletin board lol.

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