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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 36 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    And I was just noticing that the "me" is there  only if you read it backwards (apply backwards thinking) and acknowledge that the letters are on either side of the A (embracing the a-hole, as it were).

    Does that literal deconstruction of the wordplay without the subliminal subtext satisfy you, or is there another double entendre you would like to break down to remove any humour and larger point from? 

    Actually that isn't really an " i " in team either that flex posted..... talk about inside out thinking on that one eh

  2. 10 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I personally think it's ****** that they want to give Van Zeyl the MOOL just because he's never won it before and maybe deserved it in years past. There's nobody better than Bryant...even Yoshi would get a vote before old man Van Zeyl....

    More for the players to play for as a team......  a grey cup for all the players would go far to show the local media how wrong they are

  3. 12 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Please go back to talking about Big Chris. You were a miner. You must've been so much fun at union meetings telling everyone to leave it in the ground & to get paid doing it.

    When the company would fk up and cause us to lose a blast,  yeh I would chuckle at the company and say my job is gonna last one day longer for sure now......

  4. 4 hours ago, Jesse said:


    I was positive that Andrew wouldn't get the all star vote. Curious if he can take the league all star as well, now. 

    Players don't care about personal accolades....they always say it is about the team. ... so I am thinking the only thing Harris wants to wave in the medias face is the grey cup.......... 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    We match up well. If the O can do enough, we . Cuz in my opinion, special teams will play a role and we own Calgary on special teams, i see no reason why we don't waltz in there and leave with a W. Im telling you.. Collaros beating Sask to get to the cup is gonna be the story.. Will it end with him beating his other former team in the cup final? The Collaros story is the storyline here. There are no other interesting storylines but ZC beating Sask then Hamilton. This is storybook **** here

    It's gonna be epic .....it's gonna be fun.... 

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