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Posts posted by NorthernSkunk

  1. 9 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    and the even bigger question - do we get the devine Sara Orlesky this week on the sideline, or multi-octave Claire Hanna?  

    Sara is married right ? Kids ?.....what about Claire,, married ?

    riderfans are scrambling trying to figure out how to play their QB's in case fatardo is really hurt .... lol

  2. 2 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    Zach has been literally playing the same play book with about the exact same level of success as when Matt was starting. Just earlier in the season we weren't deploying a two QB punch yet. I have little doubt that if Matt had stayed healthy that in the back half of the season that we would have started prepping for the two QB tandem for the playoffs. I really, earnestly, believe this was the plan all along and when Matt went down we went into survival mode for a while until we could find another game manager QB. Like it or not this boring O was the plan all along, and it was the plan because it works in the colder weather.

    Yeh,  I'm just sayin to the casual fan the timing of the QB situation and the playoff win and all of a sudden the Bombers are exciting to some more people..... we all have been waiting for this to unfold. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    I have a different view on our offence than most. I really think that in the past 2-3 years that our offence and personnel have been built to win cold weather games in the playoffs. I know a lot of people don't love that strategy because in July when we are running the ball 30 times a game it seems odd. However, when you look at the complete dismantling we put on a very good Calgary run defence, it was mainly because the execution level of our running game is at a much higher level than everyone else. The dink and dunk ball control is putrid in July but often is the only thing that works in November and our team practices it and perfects it all year long.

    On defence, our yardage given up through the air is always poor but run defence, DL, and LBer pursuit are top notch. These are the things that win playoff games if we execute them well. I have no issues whatsoever with the game plan employed this weekend. It was a systematic dismantling of Calgary's O and D. Our strengths came to the forefront because what our strengths are always do in November in the playoffs.

    I will say it again, we are a team and scheme well designed for playoff success. It has taken a while to get there, but I like our chances against anybody this year if we simply execute what we've been doing all year long. Boring...sure...but if it is a recipe for Grey Cup success I'm good with that.

    It was boring with Nichols in there..... but then it became exciting with Big Chris.... and then the last two games it became even more exciting with Zak.... and they still have the same team built for the playoffs like you say.... 

  4. 1 minute ago, bearpants said:

    Disagree completely... hate Bo all you want but having superstars and in some cases a “villain” is good for the league overall...

    feels so much better to beat the villain, reigning grey cup mvp, and likely league mvp (if not for his injury) than just some guy...

    I never meant I hope his career is over.... I just meant that I hope this is the last we have to listen to how bo is the best all the time.... I hope he plays another ten years,  just as a regular QB who we beat regularely for years to come....

  5. 21 minutes ago, The Zipp said:

    Depending on his recovery and assuming it all goes well, Matt Nichols will be a starting QB somewhere in the CFL next season.  

    Starting a season is easier than finishing a season.....  which was ridiculously proven this past season for QBs in the league.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Sask matched up wayyyy better against CGY and am pretty sure they wanted to face them in the WF and did not wanna face WPG

    Well worst case scenario has happened for them..this is not what they wanted regardless what that inept fanbase claims 

    Only reason they chirped they wanted bombers is the delusions of grandeur they would knock us out of the Grey Cup and that wont be happening 

    You need to take your predictions over to riderfans this week.....

  7. 2 hours ago, gcn11 said:

    You know i've spoken up on your behalf on this and the other forum but you are acting like a ****** right now NS.

    Sorry if I upset you tonight,  if I can make it right I will. 

    But,  I wish people would say exactly what it is I say wrong when they get mad...... and not just throw insults and other crap at me....

  8. 7 minutes ago, Mike said:

    FWIW I think a lot of us here think you’re annoying too 

    Like I just said to the zipp...... if you could give me examples of what I post that is so different from what others post..... I will listen,  I may have a question after I listen to what you feel is so annoying,  but I would expect a dialogue about it after and not just a banning.

  9. 5 minutes ago, The Zipp said:

    I will answer the question.  I thought you were wrong over there in how you posted and carried yourself based on the posted code of conduct.  That opinion has not changed for me.  


    I asked mods for specific examples of when I did anything like you just mentioned ..... and all I got was crickets.   How is that fair for a banning ?

  10. 4 minutes ago, The Zipp said:

    Dude...you were banned...You were a distraction there and deserved it. 

    We are here cause the other site is broken and we love discussing the Bombers. 

    So don't act here like you all did over there.....maybe just answer the question if you want to respond.

    matty fans were distracted by my opinion about Matty,  and what I thought the team needed.  So they whined, simple as that.  Too bad the whiners weren't adult enough to discuss it eh. 

    We ain't winning a cup with Matty..... we have a good shot with Big Chris an Zak now though don't we.....and isnt that what it is all about ? 

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