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Everything posted by Nickthesizz

  1. Doesn't this also mean our receivers can't get open? People can say things without actually saying them.
  2. They're morons then. Get sat on the bench then keep laughing see how funny it is. Bet you once we sit a couple guys down on the bench it won't be too funny. See so many posts on instagram and twitter with backhand remarks at the fans for not believing in them. STFU and make plays.
  3. The option I went with wasn't listed so i went with none of the above.
  4. They do, but have you seen Matt Nichols performance? He's STUNK, over/under thrown everybody. Sits in the pocket for FAR too long, throws for 4 yards on 2nd down when we need 13. Just to name a few. Then he has the audacity to complain that the fans are being mean to him and that his receivers aren't getting open. No duh Matt, if they were open all the time you would probably throw deep more and continue to only miss by 10 yards.
  5. I love how innocent and pure Bob is, he usually ends up being wrong but I have to admire him for being so optimistic.
  6. As long as we limit the explosion plays we’re fine. I’d say we’re doing a fantastic job of that. if we can’t get Claybrooks I vote this man becomes our next head coach, no excuses.
  7. Pay Claybrooks whatever he wants, letting him go to BC could be a huge mistake.
  8. Anybody else hoping Osh is gone in the Offseason then bring in Claybrooks as HC to bring in his own DC?
  9. Best case scenario in my mind Osh is gone in the offseason and Claybrooks comes in as HC and brings his own DC.
  10. Might be a good idea to start having Demski return kicks if we can't pass him the ball.
  11. Saddest part is our highest paid DB was the worst of the bunch.
  12. Just looked at the stats. Kamar Jorden- 249 yards 10 rec Matt Nichols- 248 yards on 44 attempts Hope you started watching the tape at 5 am this morning there, Matty.
  13. The reason for my anger is there's no possibility of improvement or change. Might just wait for the offseason, hopefully Walters will man up.
  14. and the king of that is Mike O'Shea. Lapolice actually came prepared to an interview with stats to defend his quarterback. This team is a joke and frankly I'm sick of watching them.
  15. Just a few minor things. Defence 500 yards here, 500 yards there, offence can't muster up a first down, quarterback unable to complete a pass over 10 yards, can't run the ball, rush can't get to the quarterback. Just some minor tweaks you know?
  16. I'd love to hear whats going on in the Bombers meeting rooms. They probably honestly believe they're only one or two plays away from being good..... "Just gotta watch the tape and correct the mistakes"
  17. Remember when o’shea continued to trot out Drew Willy for half a season before giving up on him and started Brian Brohm for 3-4 games even though we all knew he was trash?
  18. There’s no other choice, maybe Matt figures it out after being sat for a couple games but at this point you can’t just keep trotting him out there expecting a different result.
  19. there's no controversy, sit that guy down now.
  20. Seems like Randall gets picked on every game, maybe Hall might watch the film next week.
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