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Everything posted by Nickthesizz

  1. sounds like you have quite a drive to the stadium, couldn't stop somewhere on the drive there or are you just complaining for no reason.
  2. agreed, as a person between the ages 20-30 most people my age do not take the league seriously at all and do not watch any of the game when attending. Really sad because they'll spend money to attend the game in order to purchase $10 beers and take a snap chat picture to show everyone they were there, yet not watch any of it. Very odd, I do have some friends in the student sections who are as crazy fans as any but they're unfortunately few and far between.
  3. sounds like he hurt himself at the lake, saw quite a few videos of him on the jetski on instagram he looked fine.
  4. My parents live off river and the foot bridge somewhere between st marys and river would be amazing. I dont mind the 30 minute walk through the old southwood with a beer or two though.
  5. Not to mention 9/10 games you would have to walk to your car with no shoes and a stab wound or two.
  6. Oh the traffic was terrible on portage too, I lived in st vital at the time and the only options were route 90 (hell no) or portage to stafford. We'd park at polo park and the only way to get out in any reasonable amount of time would be to take back roadsto completely avoid portage.
  7. I don't see the issue? Childish? yes. very weak attempt at tossing an object? yes. I like the passion tbh.
  8. Most observations are fair but to say getting off campus "takes forever" is just clearly a lie, I've gotten out in less than 15 minutes many times.
  9. That's great he likes going to games but unfortunately for old and sick people, going just about anywhere is not going to be a comfortable experience. As a younger fan myself, If you don't think having the stadium so close to the university has brought in a TON of new and younger fans you're lost, and those are the fans the team is trying to bring in, not the 40-70 yr old lifetime fans.
  10. Surprisingly quite a few Winnipeggers don't know about the existence of the Perimeter.
  11. If you're still having troubles I strongly suggest you reevaluate you method of transportation because I can drive all the way down pembina to university crescent with very little difficulty. sounds like you just live in St. James and are salty you can't just walk to games anymore.
  12. Would love for him to make a speech at center field, should be a truly beautiful moment.
  13. The Bombers can change that, right now they're putting a good product on the field and with that comes a fun product. People are having fun at the games this year and that can only help the walkups.
  14. I don't understand how you can say the UR call was a bad call? That has been the rule forever. The ball was clearly overthrown Darvin didn't even touch it. Ball could have pulled up but decided to demolish him after the ball hit the turf.
  15. Every time I watch him I just see a bigger Darvin, he's got the same soft hands and runs super smooth routes. Just gotta finish now.
  16. This, he's fine when calling teams other than WPG and SSK but mannnnn every time a penalty would be called I cringed because he'd make an ass out of himself every time. Just wanted to add my MVP for the game was that kid running around all game with the big TSN camera, I swear that guy must have run a marathon with that 50 pound camera on his shoulder.
  17. You'd think Putin was pulling the strings all game. Rewatching the game right now, really don't understand why TSN would put Rider fans like Suiter on commentary during Bomber games, just terribly biased.
  18. Very profound, wonder why you would pull name name out like his? A guy who every time he's had a chance to make a play has stepped up. Bowman is done and why does it matter to you guys how the money is spent? Didn't realize anybody on this forum was paying the cheques? He got paid his signing bonus and a bit more and it didn't work out, hilarious that you guys expect a gm to be perfect. Kenbrell Thompkins is going to be a big name in the CFL just like I predicted in TC.
  19. Tom Brady would look like Tee Martin behind that o-line, honestly was not watching that close but i wonder why the Als don't run max protect like the Ticats do.
  20. I wonder if other CFL cities are as lucky as us to have 2, 2 hour pre page shows? (still gotta listen to Bob even though i like Walby and Bauming)
  21. I don't think even Chris Jones is stupid enough to replace a 6'5 wr that primarily plays the Z position with a 5'7 rb tbh.
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