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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Subpoena to get his tax returns.
  2. Thought Jones was with the Edmonton Journal.
  3. These guys sign everyone yet they're always under the cap. Funny how that works.
  4. Why wouldn't Reilly want Maas back? He let him play Every. Freaking. Down. this season.
  5. According to Terry Jones of the Edmonton Journal, Mike Reilly told Len Rhodes that he likes playing for Maas, says he's a great coach & that if he wants him to come back then he wants Maas back as well. Seems Rhodes is backtracking on the Arash Madani story that he sent out feelers to every OC in the CFL inquiring about their interest in being the Esks HC.
  6. How about Danny O'Brien, is it? Third string qb who could have played yet Maas kept his ass nailed to the bench as well. Way to reward your backups for coming to every practice, meeting & working hard for nothing.
  7. He looked brilliant in Green Bay only because he had Favre. In Montreal, he looks more like he was when he got hired. A high school coach.
  8. If they sold the farm to get Manziel then why are the Als playing Pipkin? Kavis Reed set the team back 3 years in doing it. I'd fire Sherman for doing that if I was Reed. Then again, I'd never have given up that much to get Manziel so Reed should be fired as well.
  9. Did Reilly look like he wants to be back in Edmonton next season? His facial expressions & overall body language just looked like he was ready to check out. I saw him smile once while he was on the sidelines with the game under wraps. Of course for the 18th game his lousy OL allowed our defense to beat him up all game long so that may have had something to do with it. Maas was stupid enough to keep him in there.
  10. Reilly needs receivers who can make those contested catches deep downfield. We'd have to upgrade our receivers.
  11. The Argos were Top 15 this year. Right up there with the 1932 Sarnia Imperials.
  12. I don't expect Lulay, .Jennings or Fajardo to be back in BC next season. Wally was still running the show this season. No way he'd have listened to Hervey if he was told to cut any one or two of them. Now that Buono will be gone there's a new sherriff in town who knows he can't win a championship with any of those 3 players.
  13. Can't see it either. They'll all be looking for work next season. I think Jason Maas may be the guy if he's fired. He & Hervey are close.
  14. We're going to Regina. We're going to take down the Riders. I can feel it. The hometown fans. The pressure. Let's hope the Rider players collective collars are a little tight.
  15. Mitchell has to get the Stamps moving again. We don't want the Riders to finish first.
  16. Wow, like you're just going off on Wettenhall today like anyone cares. LOL.
  17. 1. Streveler 2. Lanktord 3. Washington HH: Simonise
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