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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. That might help bring Jefferson to Hamilton. Playing beside that beast. If they have enough cake left.
  2. Seems pretty obvious. Toronto and Hamilton really rolled out the red carpet with the Argos taking the family to a Raptor game and the Ti-Cats Having 3 Jefferson jerseys sitting in stalls in the locker room. No idea how this is gonna go.
  3. Watched about an hour of both games yesterday. Man that is some shitty football.
  4. Willie possibly gone, and no Posey or Walker either? Not liking these recent developments. At this rate I'd be happy with Adams back and/or Daniels and a quality veteran DB or two.
  5. Yeah after his comeback win over the Bombers he mentioned his ancestors where there with him on the field and stuff like that. He's definitely out there.
  6. He did have a long stretch of games after our bye where he was very quiet. But then there are games that he can absolutely win himself like the Grey Cup.
  7. Sounds like we might be saying goodbye to Jefferson...
  8. That was more of a "fudged his pants, get me the **** out of here, curled up in the fetal position, sucking his thumb" terrified.
  9. That and a defense reminiscent of the 2019/2020 Winnipeg Jets. Theyre gonna need all those receivers to help score 40 points a game to have any chance of winning.
  10. Youre still mad about the Nichols money arnt you lol. All im saying is I don't want Walters to over pay for Willie. He's awesome and I want him back but not at 300K. I think that's too much for a any DE. Im not sure I understand your "Now, you have to play for us so you can't leave!!" rant. If the Argos pay him 300K and he walks, good for him, we'll move on.
  11. Players play to win.....and get paid amongst other things. I would think a lot of factors would come into a players decision on where to play. Money, winning, city, cost of living, family, locker room/coach, legacy, etc. Does willie take an extra 30K-40K to play in front of 17 fans, for an unknown coach, on a mediocre team, in an expensive city, being just another face in the crowd? Or does he take a home town discount to come back to a winning team, with a great coach and locker room, in an inexpensive city that him and his wife have a connection to, with a rabid fan base, and be a hero high-fived wherever he goes? We'll soon find out.
  12. They still need to spend some coin on receivers I would think. Pretty bare cupboard.
  13. Its going to be interesting to see how the Argos use both Nichols and MBT. Could be some ruffled feathers in the QB room to quote Mr. Maurice. The Argos better leave Willie alone and use their money to find some people to catch the ball from their 600K+ tandem. Looking mighty thin after Edwards....
  14. Going to be interesting to see what Nichols is capable of with a weaker o-line in front of him and a weaker defense behind him. Sink or swim time.
  15. Gotta start somewhere in Toronto. Willie would be a step in the right direction of trying to get back to respectability. Theyre currently a step below laughing stock in that city.
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