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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. What in gods name is going on at Mosaic??? They add marbles to their turf this year?
  2. I will not sit here and listen to you disparage Canada's QUEEN city.
  3. TP rates are still going downnnnnnnnnnnnn🦄
  4. Both TP's still going down 💉💉💉💉
  5. Trevor Harris would have won it if he didnt miss a month and a half due to injury. Hell MBT had better passing stats than Fajardo with much less playing time. IMO Adams Jr was more deserving of MOP 2019. 8 more combined TD's than Fajardo and took a more mediocre Montreal team that was 5-13 the year before to 10-8 and a playoff birth.
  6. Bodog has Fajardo as the odds on favorite to win league MOP this year?!?!? LMFAO.
  7. Im actually kind of excited to see Liegghio. Im sure competition will be brought in but itll probably be more fodder than an actual threat. Man it would be nice if Medlock was able to take a few weeks out of his schedule and come up here to mentor him for a bit. Wishful thinking.
  8. Im more of a ain't broke don't fix it guy and much prefer BA at safety. He seemed to excel there last season and IMO was just a meh corner/half back. I do think Noah is our future at safety, but asking a rookie to start there in season one is a tall task. I think Nick is probably a career special teamer/backup.
  9. More like a nightmare. If you woke up and it was real, the only cure would be to go back to sleep and pray Freddy Kruger showed up and killed you in your dream so you wouldnt have to wake back up into that nightmare reality. Too far?
  10. Both TP rates(Winnipeg and Province) went down so i suspect it was just a case of more tests being done yesterday.
  11. Sadly true. Weve managed to retain pretty much all of our GREY CUP WINNING team yet were too old, have question marks all over the place, cant replace LaPolice, etc, etc, in pretty much every article ive read. Yet the Riders who lost their 2 best defensive players, and had their already below-average o-line completely dismantled by retirements and free agency, but with Fajardo at the helm theyre the class of the west!!!
  12. Yeah i truly have no idea where all this love for Fajardo has come from. The guy averaged 1 passing TD per game in a pass-happy league. Christ, Bethel-Thompson had 8 more passing TD's and only played like 12 full games lol. Where are all the puff piece articles proclaiming the greatness of MBT?!?!?
  13. Yeah youre probably right. If thats the case i dont see us getting to 80% with just 12+
  14. That must have been one hell of a firework
  15. Having said that, i suppose when/if Pfizer/Moderna is approved for younger kids then it wont be a problem getting to 80%+
  16. Would love to get to 80% 1st dose but its starting to really slow. Not sure if we'll ever make it there.
  17. Over 50% of Manitoba double vaxxed as of today. Should get to 75% 1st dose by tomorrow.
  18. CFL Season Primer: Winnipeg Blue Bombers - TSN.ca Just basically a re-cap of 2019 and what has transpired since.
  19. Dear god, more DB's!?!? Theres not going to be any left for other teams to sign lol.
  20. Yeah lanky guy that delivers big hits and he seems to have a knack for causing turnovers. Yeah lanky guy that delivers big hits and he seems to have a knack for causing turnovers.
  21. We'll be there by Monday.
  22. Not to mention the addition of Antigha. Im intrigued with how he'll be used. He can play LB and come off the edge on the d-line. Whenever i saw him play in Sask and T.O. i was always impressed.
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