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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Problem is for every goal he scores he gives one up due to his putrid defensive play. It sounds like the guy just wants to float around center ice and get fed one timers on the PP.
  2. He's basically saying he cant/doesnt want to work within a team system. He's torpedoing his own value.
  3. That kid will never "get it". He's going to be a one trick pony for as long as his body holds up. So much potential for him to be Ovechkin 2.0 but he's going to waste it.
  4. When the hell do single games tickets go on sale?!?!? The melonheads have had theirs on sale for weeks already.
  5. With a capacity crown no less! Gotta figure its going to be sold out. The casual fan is going to want to be there after a year and a half of nothing. We freakin' better be able to sell out after a Grey Cup win+pandemic!
  6. Should have got it in the arm then.....
  7. Not sure if theyre allowing fans to come watch practice boys(havent seen any updates from tait today), but im on my way down there now to check out this Andrew Harris achillies injury for myself!
  8. Guys all i want to know is whats wrong with Andrew Harris. Is it his achillies?!?!?
  9. What the **** is wrong with people?? Its too bad Covid didnt take more people like this POS John Carpay. Unreal.
  10. That might have been the most useless "update" ive ever read. Harris hurt, you cant come watch, its fun to be back-McGuire.
  11. Whatever it is its glorious and i will never have my fill.
  12. Poor TJ. 130K to play a sport for 6 months out of the year that most people play for free out of shear joy.
  13. Gonna be fun to see him crush some 165 pound returner, Mike Renaud style, as the last man back on one of his punts lol.
  14. Interesting that they decided not to bring in any competition for Liegghio. Kinda cool that they basically said "this is your gig, you dont have to be another Medlock, just do your thing, weve got confidence in you". Lets hope that confidence pays off!
  15. On the Bomber site Dhielly is listed at 6'4" 210LBS?!?! Gonna have to follow me around for a month to add some weight son. Seems very slight to a be a DE let along replace Griffiths at DT. He better be quick cause a 315 pound behemoth like Hardrick could carry him out of the stadium over his shoulder if he gets ahold of him.
  16. Day 1 in the books and everyone's achillies are intact. Success!
  17. Team has said Griffiths has decided to move on from football.
  18. Kongbo apparently does have some DT experience. Might need to bulk up a bit.
  19. Wow, over before it began. Gotta figure he would have had a significant roll this season rotating in with Thomas.
  20. The man who was looking really good in camp but wasnt actually there? Lol.
  21. Whats old shall be new again! I just kept mine until it went back in style lol. But in reality when someone sends me emojis i just get a bunch of ]]]]] lol
  22. Not surprising, but atleast the digital ones are instantaneous. Doesnt help tech dummies like me who still have flip phones lol. Luckily my wife has the latest and greatest smart phone.
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