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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. I'd like to see the CFL's ruling on this. Are spirits eligible to play? I should hope not. I would imagine they would be damn-near impossible to tackle.
  2. Yeah did anyone actually confirm that he isnt just an apparition? Like are high-fives just going right through this guy?!?!
  3. Justin Dunk @JDunk12 Bombers’ QB Zac Collaros will not take the field for practice today in Regina — Winnipeg’s first session of Grey Cup week. He had his right leg, ankle and foot twisted while being tackled in the West Final and did not return. #Winnipeg #ForTheW #Bombers #GreyCup #GC109 #CFL
  4. I would bet my bottom dollar the answer is no. Their kicker just trotted to the sidelines and there was no commotion from their coaching staff.
  5. Inmates running the asylum. Figuratively and literally.
  6. That would be a huge break for us. McManis is a stud.
  7. Where did you see that? Cant find anything.....
  8. Led the league in INT's by a large margin and have quite a few playmakers. Sneaky good defense.
  9. MBT kinda scares me, both as a potential psychopath and QB. He always seems to put up big numbers and have good games against us. Richie Hall should go watch his 2 games against Calgary this year to see what they were doing. He was hot trash and didnt throw a single TD in either game against 3 INT's. Me thinks this game is going to be very close.
  10. I did the same thing. Im standing there watching and waiting for them to break the huddle and theyre all just standing there. I was yelling "Holy s**t, look at the clock, what the F are they doing?!?!" Lol. I dont think ive ever seen anything like that in my life.
  11. Gotta soak this all up boys and girls! This is potentially the best run in our history and we'll probably all be dead before it happens again, if ever(dark but true)! Start soaking! I want to see more soaking! For some reason they always wore oversized rubber boots and would herd their ship to the edge of cliffs......
  12. His beard is mesmerizing. Its like it has its own lifeforce. But there is insanity in those eyes.....
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