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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. They just wanted to keep their streak of ruining quaterbacks alive
  2. This is a fan forum where we can speak our minds without vulgarity or crossing the line. I didnt like Hurl, called him a speedbump. I didnt know we had to blow kisses to players when they leave. If you dont like my posts block me.
  3. He's gone and his shadow will never darken the IGF doors again. Good enough for me!
  4. Rotational guys sure. NFL teams usual have rush ends that pretty much only play on passing downs so they can stay fresh and play well into their 30's. Westerman plays the majority of snaps and really didnt look all that explosive to me last year.
  5. Yup i remember that bulls**t. I swear oshea treats the fan base like were a bunch of 4 year olds. A blind deaf mute could tell Hurl was in over his head and was nothing more than a speedbump in the middle.
  6. Yup and at a position that is based largely on speed and strength. Two things that decline rapidly with age.
  7. Westerman at 200K!?!? For a soon to be 33 year old who missed nearly half the season last year?? No thanks.
  8. I'd be onboard with that but i doubt weve got the scratch for that scenario.
  9. Agreed. Leggett at strong side, Santos-Knox at weak side, and use Wild money to land Dean or Reed for your MLB. That would be amazing. Bringing the often injured Wild back is a mistake IMO. Even when he's been healthy he hasnt been a difference maker.
  10. I'd love Dean or Reed but it sure sounds like Walters' plan is to roll with the current LB's we have (minus Hurl) and hope one of them turns into a MLB. Im not a fan of finger crossing when better options are available.
  11. Ran into Chad Rempel at the outlet mall today. First thing i said tongue in cheek was "Grey Cup this year?" and he chuckled and said that was the plan, then without prompting he mentioned how huge the Bowman signing was. He seemed pumped. Then i mentioned how i was hoping we would sign Demski in free agency . His response was "i think we are going after him". Take that for what its worth.
  12. Sure didnt sound like it at his presser. I hope he was being coy.
  13. Santos-Knox was great last year, but he was our WLB. Wild is also a WLB that has never played a full season including just 5 last year, and the year before that he forgot how to tackle. I'd much rather sign a proven stud MLB like Dean or Reed as opposed to re-arranging our current LB's and hoping for the best. I'd actually be onboard with signing one of those guys and releasing Wild. Leggett/Dean or Reed/Santos-Knox would be amazing.
  14. Dean and Demski and i'd be doing backflips. Heck i'd be happy just with Dean.
  15. Sure doesnt look like that to me. Little looks slow this year. Ive always thought of Little as a shoot first type player and now they have him squished between 2 pure goal scorers so its almost like he's trying to be too much of a passer. I think putting him back with Wheeler would wake him up.
  16. Little had a garbage game and has looked a step behind all year. Is it time to switch him and Scheifele? Its almost like he's too slow to keep up with Ehlers and Laine. Scheifele has centered those 2 before and its been money. I think a Little/Wheeler/Connor line could also put up points.
  17. Apparently Chiarot didnt see the ice since for the last half of the 3rd even with Buff being out. Hopefully that means Poolman gets his chance. Mind you if Buff is out for a while(which it looks like) then that bum Chiarot will still be in the lineup. The guy is like herpes, just cant get rid of him.
  18. Why cant we have nice things? In hindsight we were lucky to get a point. Felt like they spent 3/4 of the game in our zone.
  19. Dear lord, i just saw on CapFriendly that we are still paying Mark Stuart(buyout) until 2018-2019. 1.4 million this year and another $583,000 next year. Puke.
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