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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Do you think we have a problem here? First I'm hearing of this.
  2. We need a roster spot for Pav to sit in the pressbox.
  3. It's not Richards is taking the spot of some other Canadian receiver we have on the depth chart. He likely has May/June/July to prove his worth to the Bombers. If he fails, he gets released.
  4. Who says Chevy doesn't dip into the free agent market and re-signs him this summer!
  5. Holy macaroni! Stafford for 6th round pick, here we come!!
  6. Yes, there are. That's why we have a deadline, right?
  7. And paid his whole salary. Penguins must have eaten some of it for this year and next.
  8. But it only works if someone is going to take him. No point sending him out if you have to retain all of his salary.
  9. Trying to recreate the magic that Iggy and Sutter had together in that run to the Stanley Cup Finals in Calgary in 2003-04. This can't be a surprise. Maybe the low price. But Iginla is almost done.
  10. I asked Jason Bell is he was wearing a non-contact jersey.
  11. Two years, and you're right. Why would we take him? We might lose him on the expansion draft.
  12. Yep. Modified - provides a list of 10 teams he can be traded to. Wanna make a bet the Jets are NOT on that list?
  13. First, why are you Rick-rolling us? Second, I agree. They look so disorganized. And, they play Buff too much. Why is it so hard to cut his minutes? I know it means sending the 5/6 pairing but they are not worse once Buff gets above 24 minutes.
  14. I want blood! But, seriously, something needs to change. The players are not responding to the coaches now. If they keep PoMo, what makes us think they'll start listening? This group cannot effect change, so I would like to see a new group.
  15. If they keep Maurice, he needs to clear out his assistants.
  16. Everyone is missing from practice today! Hold on to your hats folks, Chevy is getting busy... Or not.
  17. The chatter was generated by the media. Doesn't mean it's gone away, just that something new and shiny has distracted them.
  18. But he has a history and GC with Jones. I hope 'home' is a bigger draw.
  19. No. He's talked about it before, about the type of players he likes. Most recently, during an interview with TSN1290 that he and Walters' did. Now, I'm sure they target talent first but I think the personal interviews will go a long way. That's why I don't think they've made their decision on who they'll pick first overall yet. That, and the NFL pick-ups and neg list players that will become available or unavailable.
  20. You have to think Walters/MOS will target 'football guys'. Players that love the game. Eat, sleep, and breathe the game.
  21. Top line minutes. Stuart/Postma available tonight for 25 minutes each?
  22. Maybe I misread the situation but I thought Milo was done right from the end of the season? The 'leaks' coming out were that he was hoping to be fired, so he could collect the cheque but still planned on leaving the team. Eventually, he was forced to quit to accept the position with the Jags. As much as I think they (Copeland) didn't treat Barker correctly and probably hampered their team, I wouldn't blame them for the Milo situation.
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