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Everything posted by JCon

  1. He needs at least 15 to 20 touches per game! Let's get it going.
  2. Okay, and they did that last year but they ended up looking ridiculous after Carter's appeal takes forever and results in a one-game suspension (if I remember right). I agree with your approach but maybe they feel this is a CBA negotiating thing and that their hands are tied.
  3. Looked like he hurt his shoulder during the last game. I was hoping it was nothing.
  4. At the game last Friday, every time he touched the ball, I would say, "prove me wrong, Lankford. Prove me wrong." I just don't get it. I'm sure there are better options.
  5. Exactly. Everyone at the CFL head office could have agreed a 9-game suspension was warranted but current CBA wouldn't allow it. I'm only speculating because I'm not sure what the CBA would allow, what the PA would allow and what the feelings of the Commish and the brain trust are.
  6. And our DBs and our WRs. And our special teams.
  7. Scenarios: One-game suspension and Hill does not appeal. or Two-game suspension and Hill does appeal, like the Carter gong show of last season. Which is better for league? What if the CFL didn't think it could win an appeal on a two-game suspension?
  8. Physical and verbal abuse is never okay. No, ifs ands or buts. And, yes, the refing has been horrendous.
  9. It's not the refs fault for being attacked. In no way is physical or verbal assault justified on anyone.
  10. Emmanuel Arceneaux At least I'm not the only one with three strikes.
  11. We had a week to sign Bear? Or, did he skip a week of training camp and always intended on going with his former GM and coach? I think the latter.
  12. What does this mean? I'm sure they all give 110% and leave everything on the field. They're probably taking one game at time and not worried about the post-season. They're putting in the work and expecting results on the field. The young guys are learning what it takes to be professionals and the vets are leading the way with their leadership.
  13. Sorry, I totally read that as with the Jets. Not sure how I did that.
  14. That's a good point. But doesn't he have to clear waivers on his way back up? I'm not always clear on how that works with the beginning of the season stuff. Oh, boy, Lemieux to start up, eh? I like the idea of that but I'm not sure he's ready. I suppose he'll have the chance in the preseason to earn a spot.
  15. The price is right for Tanev but, without a two-way deal, he'll be sitting lots and not developing.
  16. It went off accidently late in the year a bunch of times during one game, including during the plays. I believe the operator injured his hearing. There is now an actual cannon again but we haven't heard it this year, AFAIK. I would be surprised if they went to the effort of putting a cannon back up there without actually using it. I would be disappointed if it were gone completely.
  17. I tweeted that out during the game without response. Of course, I also tweeted out complaining AGAIN about the terrible BP fan cannon, so maybe the Bombers are tired of my complaining.
  18. I don't disagree but until then, you have to stop smacking these receivers downfield. Either it's a rule that they follow or they remove it. Can't say that if the refs don't catch it, then it shouldn't be reviewed.
  19. Turnovers, turnovers, turnovers. They killed us. They killed the offence and eventually wore out the defence. In so many ways, they outplayed the Stamps but handed everything back to them. You don't make all those mistakes and the game is won by the Bombers.
  20. It's a perfect day for football. Go Bombers!
  21. And it is the Oilers. Thought he fit here too.
  22. Just looked out of my office window in downtown Winnipeg and it looks like there are already some people tailgating in the back alley. Although, at that pace, they may not make it game time but I like their spirit! For The W!!
  23. It's time to open the bottom drawer and close my office door.
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