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Everything posted by JCon

  1. And, yet, you will judge everyone else.
  2. You would have cut our starting long snapper in order to keep Lalama on the roster? Okay....
  3. Yes, lets look at Lalama... 25 defensive tackles over 11 games with Montreal. 10 of those in the last game vs Ottawa. So, which player would you have cut to make room for him?
  4. Some people: MOS is too loyal. Won't make changes. Same people: MOS is a problem because he asks players to do something different.
  5. You don't know this. You're making this up. MOS said he ask to switch roles. He wouldn't. There's the door and good riddance. Why on EARTH would any fan want Gaitor on the team he won't do what the coach has asked?
  6. No, of course not. This is about the regular season, which is why the nominees are out.
  7. Steinauer is rookie HC. Yes, the TiCats were expected to do well, with Masoli as their QB, but they exceeded even that. They set a new team record. They went unbeaten at home. KJ is great story, bravo, but Orlondo is was the best coach this year. The TiCats went 15-3. Over the past 20 years only the Stamps (x2) and Montreal (x1) have won 15 games in a year.
  8. Oh, Trump will be gone but his legacy will live on for generations. Think of all the judges they've put into place? All the diplomatic screw ups and relationships ruined? Think of the horrible state of NATO now? Think of the young Kurds who see the US as traitors and cowards? Think of all the environmental protections that have been eliminated? Think of all the debt he's accumulated? Etc, etc, etc. For the US, this is just the beginning.
  9. He signed a three year deal in 2017. Regardless, when they fired him, his salary still counted against the cap. As I understand it, they're able to spread that out over 5 years. So, $600k *2 years (2018 & 2019) = $1.2M /5 = $240k/year against the cap.
  10. I'm not sure what they'll do. They're still paying Trestman and that's counting against their salary cap, so, I think they'll stay put. Unless MOS becomes available, which I doubt.
  11. I'm not sure why anyone would want a player around who won't do what the coach tells them to do.
  12. For some teams, the CFL Offseason is here. Rather than lose all the coaching movement discussions to the Regular season thread, I thought we could start putting it here. Those teams currently lost in the wilderness: Ottawa Toronto BC Montreal Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Hamilton The champs are here.. the champs are here... Winnipeg* *Grey Cup Champions
  13. Yes, I've heard this before but haven't seen much production out of those "very good" players elsewhere.
  14. I would prefer listening to Mike O'Shea (3:19): https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/11/07/coach-oshea-november-7-2/ Bauming: I asked you about Anthony Gaitor a month ago and you told me he would need some time. Can you update us? MOS: Yep, I switched his roles and he decided to move on. Bauming: Could you clarify? MOS: I gave him a different role and he decided not to accept it. Bauming: So is he still with the team? MOS: Nope
  15. And Bauming is clutching his pearls asking, "Won't someone think of the European children?"
  16. And, our fate seems to be tied to the Riders. There's just too many perfect storylines that would meet up next in Regina next weekend. (I don't really believe in fate but it makes me feel good)
  17. I love the CFL, NCAA, and the NFL but have difficulty keeping up with all of them and, by the time the Super Bowl is over, I'm done. The only reason I have any hope of knowing what's going on in the NCAA and NFL is because I have nine year old at home obsessed with sports and statistics. Also, I know what's happening in the NFL this season because the 49ers are relevant. Otherwise, I'm just a casual observer until December.
  18. It's like if TBurg were to take downers, seriously.
  19. You think they actually look at stats? Ha! They're looking at the name and name only. They can't interpret stats at all.
  20. Good one, thanks RFD. There are LOTS of things to use this on including discounted gift cards and Lego. I have a couple of Lego sets already in the basement waiting for me, so I better find a good, gift giving use for this!
  21. Quite honestly, all it comes down to is that people just don't care. Only, the super-duper-die-hards want twelve months of football. There are not enough super-duper-die-hards that will watch or care. The XFL-Dos, will fail like the XFL-Uno and the AAF and all the other failed leagues. If it's not NCAA or NFL, it won't fly, bankroll or not.
  22. But Van Zeyl is a good story and the CFL are laaaaaaaaaaazy.
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