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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Can one of you millennials make a gif out that Taylor broken up pass where he ends up with his face in the camera, please? That was a great little series. I'll try to find the video on Youtube.
  2. I can't believe he didn't just hit it away. Poor, poor IQ.
  3. If they were posted before August, they can stay up. Or, they're tricking the "system".
  4. Grey Cup: How the Ticats and Bombers match up By 3Down Staff - November 17, 2019 https://3downnation.com/2019/11/17/grey-cup-how-the-ticats-and-bombers-match-up/ Hamilton and Winnipeg are set to compete in Grey Cup No. 107. The championship game in Calgary on November 24 will mark the ninth time in the history of Canadian Football that the modern-day incarnations of the two clubs have played for the iconic trophy after having met in 1953, 1957-59, 1961-62, 1965 and 1984. I won't deprive 3Down of their click.
  5. GAME RECAP | WPG 20 SSK 13 By Ed Tait https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/11/17/game-recap-wpg-20-ssk-13/ TL;DR: Bombers win!
  6. Yes, he's like fighter who's been beaten down only to fight his way back to the top. It's a movie. He has one last wrong that needs to be avenged!
  7. THE GREY CUP!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday, November 24th. 5pm This is going to be some game. Home Blues. Away whites!!
  8. And he took a wicked face mask late in the game too but didn't lose his cool.
  9. They spent the first five minutes of the post-game focused on the losing QB on the ground. Boohoo and switch over to the winners already.
  10. A QB has to be on the field for every play. Couldn't send Streveler out there unless there was another QB on the field.
  11. He deserves to be fired for being a bad coach of an undisciplined team.
  12. How is it ironic that Collaros and Laurence may "collide" again you idiot? God Black is horrendous!
  13. Campbell to Edmonton. Too bad, they deserved Maas.
  14. Maas is waiting for the fifth quarter before making urgent play calling.
  15. That's big I but I doubt they can do anything with it. Prove me wrong, Esks, prove me wrong...
  16. In Iowa. His schtick plays well there.
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