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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I can't imagine anyone not seeing this excactly. Slump in the middle after starting strong and losing our starting QB. Edit: of course I hadn't sent the nonsense post above. Smh.
  2. What is the relevance of resigning pending 2021 FAs with winning 11 games in the East Division?
  3. It's always about power and money. It's just too bad they wasted a vaccine dose on Murdoch.
  4. JCon


    I will feel a lot better when those most vulnerable, like your MIL and my grandmother, have the vaccine. Healthcare workers, Indigenous and remote communities, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are all high priorities to me. Get them vaccinated and that will make my 2021! Bonus when gen-pop gets vaccinated too!
  5. JCon


    We're still under Code Red, with very few exceptions. The vaccine won't really come into play until later next summer, when the majority of Manitobans have it. I heard 50% of Manitobans will be vaccinated by the end of May. That's not a lot and certainly not enough to have open doors.
  6. I like listening to Hextall. I know she left her appointed position in comms with Gov't but am not certain what she's up to now?
  7. Paul Edmonds? I thought they would improve upon broadcasting team. Don't forget Edmunds work with the Selkirk Steelers! 🤦‍♂️
  8. If West did this, it would be the worst deal in history. Everyone knew Kwahi wanted to go home and play in LA. Lakers weren't really an option.
  9. Finally, Walters gets off his butt and signs.... wait... what... Chevy? Oh, it's just the Jets trying to remain relevant in Bombertown. Interesting, so you can extend players before they become RFAs/FAs? Who knew! One way deal in 2022/23. Perfect timing to push Helle.
  10. I didn't follow exactly what they were going to do with Loki but, after that trailer, I can't wait to watch it. Looks like fun, just the way Loki should be. I hope he's maintains most of his villainous qualities. Loki is best when he's serving himself first.
  11. The investigation into Hunter Biden is fraudulent. It was started in order to cast doubt on Biden's presidency so that the GOP could point to it to save themselves. Of course, when no charges are laid and the investigation yields nothing, the GOP will cry snowflake tears that there is a double standard. And, of course, that will inevitably happen under the Biden presidency. It's all fraud. Just like the GOP. Remember Ken Starr and his fraudulent investigation into Clinton? Yielded nothing but lying about having sex. They had nothing, so they attacked him for getting a blowy in the Oval Office. Trump paid for prostitutes, lied, covered it up, and is a co-conspirator on charges that saw his lawyer go to jail.
  12. Shepley dressed for the Niners on Sunday. Not saying he'll stick but that could hurt them as well.
  13. Imagine if these racist snowflakes fought this hard for their own constituents?
  14. JCon


    TP down to 13% (13.2% in Winnipeg). I hope this is the start of a favourable trend. Sadly, 14 more people died. I'm hoping my grandmother, 95 years old, is in the second wave of those receiving the vaccine. The elderly and frontline health care workers need it most.
  15. Absolutely amazing (not really) that the GOP pretends to care about anything while allowing Trump and his kin to fleece the US for four years. 300,000 people have died, so far, and they show no interest in actually dealing with the problem. As usual, the left has to clean up the mess the the right makes. It's a Banana Republic.
  16. He's talking about minorities. Again, just a racist piece of garbage.
  17. Oh, they know he is, that's an attractive feature for them.
  18. It must be embarrassing to have publicly supported a racist piece of man-baby garbage. I'm talking about the GOP who appear on these networks that openly support armed insurrection and are promoting fascism.
  19. It's all they have. Make up nonsense and continue to repeat it.
  20. That was the job description for the GOP leader. He was the best they had.
  21. The Racist GOP is on overdrive blaming electoral fraud for the loss of the presidential election. All those black people voting is really a cause for concern for the whitehoods. Where have all the resident whitehoods gone?
  22. Canada takes first step to approve Boeing 737 Max to fly again Aircraft grounded worldwide for nearly two years after pair of deadly crashes https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-boeing-737-max-1.5845096
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