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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    Recommendations Based on emerging evidence of the protection provided by the first dose of a two dose series for COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized in Canada, NACI recommends that in the context of limited COVID-19 vaccine supply jurisdictions should maximize the number of individuals benefiting from the first dose of vaccine by extending the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine up to four months after the first. NACI will continue to monitor the evidence on effectiveness of an extended dose interval and will adjust recommendations as needed. (Strong NACI Recommendation) This is great news. We'll be getting the vaccine sooner.
  2. Imagine if any of these illiterates ever bothering reading Dr. Seuss? He railed against fascists, which is Fox's base.
  3. Fox is covering Dr. Seuss today. No wonder that all that's posted here from the alt-right crowd is nonsense, they're fed crap.
  4. This is a feature. The Supreme Court will ensure that white supremacy stays.
  5. Nothing. That's their whole bag.
  6. JCon


    Changes coming Friday: https://news.gov.mb.ca/news/?archive=&item=50898 The following changes will go into effect March 5 at 12:01 a.m. and will expire on March 25: • households and gatherings: - households can choose one of the following: continue designating two visitors to their home; or designating a second household so that two households can visit each other, as long as everyone in the house has authorized those designated individuals to visit. - gathering limits at an outdoor public or private place to increase to 10 people including for outdoor non-organized sport or recreation activities; and - places of worship to have increased capacity size of 25 per cent or 100 people, whichever is lower, with physical distancing measures in place and mask requirements. • business, retail and restaurants: - any types of business to be able to operate with the exception of indoor theatres, indoor concert halls, casinos and bingo halls; - retail stores, malls and personal services to have increased capacity limits of up to 50 per cent or 250 people, whichever is lower, with other public health measures still in effect; - restaurants and licensed premises to have increased capacity limits of up to 50 per cent, with the requirement for tables to sit with only household members, and other public health measures still in effect; - businesses other than casinos to resume operating video lottery terminals, with physical distancing measures and barriers in place; and - professional theatre groups, dance companies, symphonies and operas to resume rehearsals that are not accessible to members of the public. • recreation and fitness: - day camps for children to operate at 25 per cent capacity with other public health measures in place; - indoor recreation and sporting facilities such as gyms, fitness centres, rinks, courts, fields, ranges, studios, clubs, pools and centres to open at 25 per cent total capacity, with public health measures in place including for spectators, common areas and locker rooms. The requirement to provide one-on-one instructions has been removed; gym, fitness centre and pool users must continue to wear a mask while working out and in all other areas of the facility, with the exception of while in a swimming pool; dance, theatre and music facilities to open for a total capacity of 25 per cent; - indoor recreational facilities such as arcades, go-kart tracks and children’s facilities to open at 25 per cent capacity with physical distancing measures in place.
  7. Not really. There are terrible teams in each division.
  8. The last residential school closed 25 years ago. I know Canadians pretend that this was a long time ago but it wasn't, at all.
  9. I'm going to ask Georges for his take. Goerges:
  10. I agree about Breaking Bad. Took me a couple of years before I started but it quickly became a fav. A bit dark and it really went in an unusual direction. Homeland was good but not for everyone. They almost ruined it. I don't watch sitcoms anymore. I never really got into Big Band Theory but I did watch some.
  11. If you haven't seen the The Wire, what are you doing with your life? It's absolutely amazing. I've watched it through 3 times. There are so many shows listed on this site that have had multi-year runs that I have never heard of.
  12. I remember speaking with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture in spring 2018. It was the first drought like conditions we had seen in the province in around 15 years. Most of the staff in Agriculture, hadn't ever experienced one. Now, we're headed into our 3rd year of drought like conditions. Let's hope we get some good rainfall.
  13. Looking at the two week forecast, there is not much precipitation from here down south. Given the warm temps, I'm hopeful that there is not any flooding this spring. However, our we need rain. Hopefully, we'll have a wet spring after the crops are in the field.
  14. I was wondering what was up when they fired Wilner in the fall and didn't replace him.
  15. JCon


    They do surveys to gather the information. It's free research for the party in power. And, then they point to it to say this is what people wanted, regardless of what the statistics say. It just makes people feel like they've contributed. I've been on the gov't side enough when they're preparing these consultations. The orders are already written and they'll finetune them next week. They don't really care what we think.
  16. Ottawa can pass Vancouver and Calgary soon if they keep this up.
  17. Spitballing but I'm guessing Corey Perry doing Corey Perry things? I just wish Buff was around.
  18. Some sort of computer reposting issues.
  19. Niku was very good, so you can expect him to be reassigned to the taxi squad. Heinola is playing big minutes with the Moose. I would rather see him there with lots of minutes touching the puck, than splitting time at the NHL level, on and off the roster.
  20. Don't negotiate with terrorists. And, they are terrorists.
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