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Everything posted by JCon

  1. It was. Even if you didn't agree with his politics, he was articulate and passionate. He motivated the base and got others engaged.
  2. This is why I refuse to belong to any party. I can fully support the platform but then get disillusioned when they fail to act on it. And, all these parties are run by politicians. They're the worst!
  3. This is always the Liberal party. Every once and a while we get good Liberal leaders, who eventually become bad leaders. Chretien was a good leader until he got badddddd. Martin would have been a good leader, if he had the chance. Trudeau wasn't good from the start. The platform is A+ the execution is D-. They don't get an F because they managed to legalize marijuana and they messed that up. The CPC is dumpster fire. Where are the conservatives? Not in the CPC or not part of any leadership there. NDP have not really defined themselves since losing Layton. I'm not even sure they have a coherent platform. I like Singh but I don't see him becoming PM, unless entire Liberal party crumbles. Greens??? Leader sounds good but they're not capable of winning more than couple fringe seats.
  4. You must be forgetting Airbus and the bags full of money In the Mulroney years.
  5. Is there any way to short that Sask pick? This is a joke, right? I expect them to finish even with BC, just ahead of the bottom, Edmonton E.... some-or-others.... I don't expect Harris to be on his feet long enough to put up big points.
  6. I did. They had to wrap things up. I was satisfied. Now, onto Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
  7. JCon


    Manitoba TPR 3.0% Winnipeg TPR 2.4% Got me feeling...
  8. Or won't. I think you need to change up the dressing room, if you want to change the culture. Sutter can't do that. I hope Tkachuk gets traded to Florida, where we never hear from him again.
  9. Work first, play later. Good plan. One that I will not follow.
  10. I'm sorry for your loss, Tracker.
  11. I disagree. I think this experiment ends with his and the GMs departure this summer. 5 coaches in like 6 years. What a s***show. Good for Calgary! Just like Carlyle, he's past it, I think.
  12. The salary cap is $198.2 million in 2020 and each team gets $255 Million from TV revenue. $56 Million buys you a lot of testing before you make anything else on licensing and whatnot.
  13. JCon


    Based on the current expected vaccine supply, all Manitobans can get their first vaccine shot by the end of June. Also possible, by the end of May. This does not include the new J&J vaccine, which they don't have a supply schedule yet.
  14. They've turned politics into sports. You may not always like the players but you always support your "team". It's kind of gross, pathetic and definitely anti-democratic. We have it to a degree in Canada but it's not institutionalized like it is down south. There are plenty of partisans that would never vote any other way than for their "party".
  15. JCon


    They're testing a vaccine (I forget which) on 11-15 year olds right now and hope to be able to administer the vaccine this summer. Next wave, under 11, starts soon too, I believe.
  16. JCon


    Johnson & Johnson vaccine is going to be approved today. Yesterday, I read that they were working on the supply chain and expect to receive doses beginning in early April.
  17. It took me a while but eventually, I learned to appreciate Schultz' analysis. It was actually his weekly spot on 1290 that helped. RIP.
  18. Reign of Terror has such an uplifting feel to it. Honestly, it should be against the law to provide anything to anyone in line. Keep everything clear and without influence. But it should be criminal is to design a system that forces anyone, and especially minorities and those vulnerable, to line up to vote. They design the system to make it difficult or impossible for minorities to vote. The GOP is a criminal organization. They are terrorists.
  19. Protesters were white, so they didn't want to inflame them. They, of course, sent the National Guard to the peaceful BLM demonstrations. Fascism.
  20. JCon


    I wish there were more supports available for you. I'll be back up there this summer and will make sure I make a couple of stops on my way into Wasagaming. Will you be set up at Woods again?
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