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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Jones will have to look elsewhere to replace Ceresna. That's a lot of guaranteed money. Can't increase the cap, so you offer more guaranteed cash.
  2. There is value in having a local kid on the roster, beyond just the on-field production.
  3. I meant in the game. Ticats are always welcome opponents in the Grey Cup.
  4. Although, I am not surprised with the GC coming in 2025 (with Fred Penner as the half-time show).
  5. Finally!!! If you've been on that field in recent years, you know that there is not much left of the "grass". Fort Hew is getting re-shoed.
  6. Should the CFL open FA earlier? Perhaps after December? That's the only way you can alleviate those concerns. Unfortunately, even with a contract, you're always on edge.
  7. He was gone by the first half of the season. He belongs in the NFL, IMO.
  8. 9ers broke them. Bosa is the boss.
  9. Must have some DL coming up from down south. Get cheaper and younger on the line.
  10. Looks like the Elks have their new punter. Good luck KGJ in Edmonton.
  11. Jones is probably sitting by the phone now trying to decide if it's too early to call Duke. Won't want to seem to eager, but won't want to miss out on the opportunity to add Spitty McEyegouge. He's probably had to change his shorts twice already in anticipation.
  12. If we sign a promising rookie this year, they'll be under contract until Zach leaves. Brown is just unfortunate timing.
  13. Any day the Browns lose, is a good day. Ef that organization. Mahones breaks his helmet. It took me a minute to figure out why they would have a backup ready so quickly, but it's because of the comms. If that goes down, you want a backup ready to go.
  14. Probably one of the few goalkeepers they could afford under the cap. Only $3.8M. They would have to dump salary and give up prospects/draft picks.
  15. I'm going to say, no. Only because of his obvious upside and team control.
  16. He deserves it. But, I would rather see him overripen with the Moose a while longer.
  17. I don't love the move. He better be 4th or 5th on the rotation. We still need another starting arm before the season and more depth in the bullpen.
  18. Strev was created from a slab of Greek Mythical Marble. He can't change, everything just changes around him.
  19. And, I'm okay with this. I like Prokup. He's more valuable than Augustine to me. He gets those tough, short yards better than anyone else. And, he's always a risk to throe a pass. Now, who catches that pass is not always a Bomber. I'll take Strev, a real throwing threat over Prokup.
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