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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Biggie is in Hawaii, so I bet a deal gets finalized when he's back.
  2. I'm not sure he's underpaid. The Bombers won the GC. Who says they win it without all the pieces they could put around him? Is he worth more? Probably, but it's a balance.
  3. I don't think that would help the situation, IMO. He started the ball rolling on the white-supremacist authoritarian movement but they need someone else to get it completely installed. If Trump dies, he becomes a martyr and the movement goes on. If he sticks around, he fragments the GOP, the part of white supremacy, and ensures in-fighting and power control for years to come.
  4. We watched two quarters of the Nickelodeon broadcast. A heck of a lot of fun. Analysis was non-existent but my youngest enjoyed it. I don't think they could replicate this with TSN but I wish they could. It would add another dimension to the game for kids. Anything to get the younger generation involved. The only thing I wish the would do is spend more time explaining the game. Explaining why they make certain calls and how the derense is structured. It would go a long way to helping explain the game to the next generation.
  5. Oh, but, let's hear him out. 🙄 I cant believe posters defend this hack.
  6. I think Evans' development was hampered by having Mas*holi there. Now, he's the starter, he gets all the reps as starter and the expectations are on him. I think he's better for it next season. *** I'm not slagging the NFL. I watch it each week. But, I like the CFL game itself more. I find it more entertaining. I am always amazed at the talent level in the NFL. What those top players can do is amazing.
  7. Yeah, I watch Red Zone - the scoring and exciting plays never stop. It makes it seem like the NFL is farrrrrr more exciting than it actually is. Just watch a Thursday Night game, start to finish and tell me that's more entertaining a CFL game? Brah, please...
  8. If he doesn't play the week before, the Ticats lose by 20.
  9. That country is a disaster. Build a wall and hope they can't get through.
  10. I don't think they need to do much. The lobbyists take care of everything from funneling money into their accounts, to organizing political donations, and all the PACs. They just sit back, do nothing (literally) and get rich.
  11. They haven't faced any repercussions for their abhorrent behaviour, so why stop?
  12. JCon


    I just wish we didn't have a Health Minister, at this point. She's so useless she's harming the system more. I can't imagine what her briefings are like. I have sat across the table from some pretty clueless Ministers and she would rank right up there. Of course the Ministers I briefed had much less significant portfolios.
  13. JCon


    Gov't has quit. You're on your own.
  14. But, it would still have to go through the lower courts, is my understanding.
  15. She knows that she's in government, right?
  16. Maybe the Ticats splash big cash at Zach? How much would you be willing to spend of our cap space for Collaros? I don't think for a second he would do this but... What is he said, $600k, no less? $100k signing bonus.
  17. JCon


    Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. But no one's talking about this -> LINK
  18. Possibly the best humorist the US has produced.
  19. Evans says he wants to test FA. So, either he or Masoli would be available on February 8th. Either would love a chance to play here, I bet.. Neither is better than Collaros but we wouldn't completely fall apart under either.
  20. JCon


    This is all I've seen.
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