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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. This is how you eviscerate and idiot
  2. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, all we know is they are both stupid as all hell
  3. If I'm Biden I miss the next debate until Trump has and can prove b2b negative tests, let Trump yell and scream he is a super spreader, he has infected the WH because of his stupidity, his days are numbered. Also make sure that Trumps idiot family and enablers arrive well ahead of time to get tested and make sure they wear masks not like last time when they arrived late and refused masks.
  4. How could anybody in their right mind support this moron, Republicans figured this out to late and now they will pay by losing the Senate.
  5. Wouldn't put nothing past this doofus, he is about to become an ex President and even this idiot knows what awaits him and it wont be pretty
  6. Even this guy doesn't want Miller
  7. Yup said that he was 4 days negative and got a bingo today, I'm sure there more a coming
  8. Stephen Miller not immune from Covid, can Jared and Ivanka be far behind
  9. She will make a great first lady
  10. The soundtrack from my youth is gone, one of the most innovative guitar players ever, maybe not the best but his sound was unmistakable
  11. From the King of the photo op and waste of tax payers money
  12. Ol Spicey about as bright as the ones that replaced him
  13. Well they do say Democrats tend to vote earlier than Republicans
  14. As always especially with all the secrecy with Trump's visit to Walter Reed and what actually happened there is always a tweet
  15. If Americans re elect Trump and this administration they deserve to burn.
  16. Does Trump think this is a good look for him, maybe he thinks this will get him the pity vote, it wont, also whoever signed his release from the hospital should never practice again.
  17. He needs to get back to the WH and try to figure out a way to steal the election, maybe he tell his followers that the Covid gave him superpowers and from now on he will only answer to Captain Covid not knowing that it's not a good nick name but then again Trump is an FN imbecile.
  18. Remember the first thing she said when se got behind the podium for the first tine was that she would not lie while she was the press secretary, that's was of course and lie which has continued to this day
  19. In more ex Stamps news the Packers have signed Reggie Begelton to the active roster as they are down a couple of receivers
  20. Trump says he feels better than he did 20 years ago, that bleach iv and uv light in the back door did wonders
  21. What is he two, next he will hold his breathe until he he gets three scoops of ice cream What, she has help being that stupid, guess lying is a bigger job that I thought
  22. Is there some kind of idiot school that they go to because you can't be born this stupid
  23. It was nice to see him get more reps and play well.
  24. Why would the Jets want the Flyers table scraps, Ghost was a healthy scratch during the season and playoffs, Chevy has to hold firm for an overpayment
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